Bonjour j’utilise CCleaner ainsi que Irfanview 64b depuis ~ 10 ans
Irfanview fonctionne bien y compris pour les très grandes cartes de
Cassini en 64 bit.
Je ne parviens plus à faire des copies d’écran ou assemblages avec la version 4.67 - 64 bits , Kamo pourrait-il interférer ?
… Je cale malgré bien des essais.
Merci d’avance . Alain, amicalement
Google translate:
Hello, I have been using CCleaner and Irfanview 64b for ~ 10 years
Irfanview works well, including for very large Cassini maps in 64 bits.
I can no longer make screenshots or assemblies with version 4.67 - 64 bits, could Kamo interfere?
I am stuck despite many attempts.
irfanview : software to read and edit an image from various sources received from internet … for exemple from departmental archives.
edit : to select a part of the image on the screen… and to record this part on your PC
edit : you can make precised assemblies in one picture with the screen copies you have recorded
the problem appiers when I start the process to select a part of an image to be recorded…
? Kamo problem ? or windows security ?
I use this Irfanview since about 10 years
I know Irfanview very well, and have been using it for over 15 years myself.
I do not think that your problem is with Irfanview.
From what you describe then it seems that “something” is preventing you from from placing selections onto the Windows clipboard so that they can then be pasted into Irfanview.
So we need to work out what that “something” is.
What tool are you using to take make the selection of part of an image?
eg Windows Snipping tool, Windows Snip and Sketch, something else?
Do you have your Windows clipboard set to save multiple clips, or just a single clip?
IrfanView INFO
Fichier INI ‘C:\Program iles\IrfanView\I_view64.ini’ en lecture seule!
Impossible de modifier les options IrfanView sans accorder la permission à ce fichier.
(réinstaller IrfanView et mettre le fichier INI dans le dossier de l’application)
This is done, I_view64.ini , is in the same folder where the
the software is : C:\Program Files\IrfanView.
I need i_view64 only to see the very large Cassini map.
and this is ok.
then , as it is possible to install i_view64 and i_view32
as long as they are respectively :
in Progran Files … for i_view64
in Programmes (x86) …for i_view32
The problem remain the same with Kamo or Without it