Cookies to delete

I am on v2.33.1184. After running the cleaning process to delete unwanted cookies, I reviewed the list of cookies to be deleted. After chosing 'run cleaner' it tells me that "0" files are to be deleted. I went back to review the list and it still shows over 200 cookies under the 'cookies to delete' column. How do you actually delete these cookies? What am I doing wrong? Please help.

I have also got this problem and would like to know how to actually remove unwanted cookies.

The first thing I would check is to see whether or not "Adobe Flash Player" is checked in "Applications\Multimedia", to take care of "Flash Cookies".

Secondly, whether you use it or have previously used it, make sure Opera is checked in "Applications", as it hasn't in the past been checked by default.

If this doesn't do the trick which OS and Browser are you using?

Thank you very much DennisD. I don't have Opera listed, but Adobe Flas Player did the trick. Thanx again!

You're welcome, and thanks for posting back.


You're welcome, and thanks for posting back.


Signing off this thread now;

Has Woody Guthrie not already rightly been given glory? Keep on keepin on ...