'Cookies to Delete' list incomplete

CCleaner v2.27.1070 (latest): Windows 7 (64bit) OS

Only cookies with a presence in '..\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies' are being shown in 'Cookies to Delete' list.

However iGoogle, for example, stores cookies in '..\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies\Low'. CCleaner deletes

such cookies but does not give the user the option to 'Keep'


Yeah, and the Firefox cookies don't show up. Well only some do. I can go a week without cleaning my system, surfing the web like crazy, and only about 12 to 15 cookies show up.

CCleaner 2.30.1130

Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

Firefox 3.6.2

None of my Firefox cookies show up on the list and I don't use Internet Explorer at all.

Edit note: It's not a bug. See this thread: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=27582

CCleaner v2.27.1070 (latest): Windows 7 (64bit) OS

Only cookies with a presence in '..\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies' are being shown in 'Cookies to Delete' list.

However iGoogle, for example, stores cookies in '..\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies\Low'. CCleaner deletes

such cookies but does not give the user the option to 'Keep'

The latest v3.00.1310 has reintroduced the original fault - ie CCleaner deletes, but does not give the option to keep, cookies stored in '..\Cookies\Low'

This problem was fixed at some point in the past - I am reverting to CCleaner v2.36.1233 which was OK!

Thanks Alexis & malonn for your posts re Firefox - this is not, however, the problem I am experiencing

Can anyone confirm this?

MrRon, for some reason all my cookies have the Opera icon even though I do not use Opera.

Plus, all cookies do not show up. I can confirm this.