Cookies on Computer to Exclude

I am running MS 10

Is there some where I can tick so all the cookies not in saved list will be removed at either every cleaning or at closing computer.

Thanking you


1. Go into: Options > Cookies

2. Move the cookies you actually want to keep by highlighting them in the Cookies on Computer left side, then click the right arrow button -> in the middle to move them over to the Cookies to Keep right side.

All cookies you didn't move into your Cookies to Keep list "should be deleted."

You can't set CCleaner to run on shutdown, but there are 2 similar options, either of which may do what you want.

In Options>settings you can set CCleaner to "Run when the computer starts" - so when you boot again after a shutdown it will clean the cookies and other files.


In Options>Advanced you can set CCleaner to "Shutdown after cleaning" - so when you run CCleaner it will shutdown the computer once it's finished cleaning.


I have to delete all of the unwanted manually before I shut CC down


I will try this method and reply later today.

Thanking you both Keith

17 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		In Options&gt;settings you can set CCleaner to "Run when the computer starts" - so when you boot again after a shutdown it will clean the cookies and other files.


I tried "Above" turned the computer off for about 45 minutes.

I restarted the computer, the CC brush in the task bar started working soon after, it sweeped for about 20 seconds then stopped. I opened my programs then checked CC and all the unwanted Cookies are still there.

I will highlight and delete them and see what happens when I open the computer tomorrow after using the computer for a short time now.

What is the next step I can try.


I’ve noticed that even after auto cleaning there are several cookies left over - even after setting only delete cookies older than 24 hours to off.

I have to manually click on them &amp; choose delete.

These cookies seem to be mostly Bing related.

I found the same with HDClean too.

It maybe that an app recreates the bing cookie after cleaning (something like Bing finance or News)

No news or finance apps on the pc & I only have Bing as my homepage under IE 11 which I don’t use.

To all

I started the computer 12plus hrs later and all the cookies were still there.

I then highlighted all of the unwanted Cookies and deleted them.

Turned the Computer off waited a few minutes and turned it on again.

All the unwanted Cookies removed.

I am using Google Chrome.

I opened my Homepage it's a News etc.

Opened CC and saw many Unwanted Cookies.

Turned computer OFF again.

Restarted computer a few minutes later and all unwanted cookies still there.

The way it's going it looks like there is a problem on CC re Removing Unwanted Cookies.


I'm not sure what you are expecting from that description.

You seem to be saying that once you launch Chrome you get a lot of cookies, thats about normal.

<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		I opened my Homepage it's a News etc.

News websites are all full of cookies, ads, clickbait and so on.

Have you set CCleaner to 'Run when the computer starts'?

15 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Have you set CCleaner to 'Run when the computer starts'?


Yes it's ticked.

Sorry if I am not explaining it better for you. I am far from a Computer Whiz plus age not helping I am only 80 years young.

See if this helps

There are a lot of Cookies after I open Google Chrome.

Next step I tried this. Turned computer off. When I started the computer next time I only opened CC and all the Unwanted Cookies still there.

When I turn the Computer on the little CC brush in the Taskbar is working.

Is there something I am missing telling you or is there something I have not ticked.


I have the same problem as Keith. Cookies don't be deleted.


That's fine you seem to be doing everything right, and CCleaner is running on startup but not cleaning the Chrome cookies for whatever reason.

It's a problem that seems to come and go as Chrome changes things then CC has to play catch up.

You see a frequent threads about it here.

One problem could be the way that lots of things get synced to the cloud these days. (Unless you tell then not to).

So when you delete something off your PC it's gone from the PC but not from the cloud, and can imediately get copied from the cloud back to your PC.

I'm not saying that is definitely what is happening with yours, it's just an example of the sort of thing that can happen.

Here's a post from April with the same problem where the poster found that deleting their Chrome User Data so that it could not be resynced did the trick for them.