cookies not listed

using latest version 3.02. Vista home premium and IE.

After surfing the internet, I start ccleaner and check cookies.

There are no cookies listed in either column (to delete/save).

When I check 'user name/app data/roaming/microsoft/windows/cookies/low'

it is full of cookies.

Prior version 2.36 has no problems at all.

Had this same problem with first release of V3, but decided to

try it again.

Any thoughts

IE3, IE9, Something between ? ! !


IE3, IE9, Something between ? ! !


Sorry, IE8

using latest version 3.02. Vista home premium and IE.

After surfing the internet, I start ccleaner and check cookies.

There are no cookies listed in either column (to delete/save).

When I check 'user name/app data/roaming/microsoft/windows/cookies/low'

it is full of cookies.

Prior version 2.36 has no problems at all.

Had this same problem with first release of V3, but decided to

try it again.

Any thoughts


Thought I would give the latest version a try (3.5)

Same problems as mentioned above. The last time I was using IE8.

I am now using IE9 and Firefox.

going back to version 2.36 which works with no problems at all..... :(