Cookie settings planel

In the Settings>Cookies screen in CCleaner, I think it would be useful to have an "Add all" >> button and a "Remove all" << button which would move all the cookies listed from the Cookies to Delete list to the Cookies to Keep list and vice versa all in one go. In some situations it's quite labourious to select each cookie one at a time to move it to the correct list. I created a screen shot of how this could look using print screen and crop in MS Paint - see attachement.



I am not to much in the add all buttom... but the remove all will be great indeed!!!

It's not something you would do every day though, is it? And you could just highlight them all and press the > or < button, done!

Plus it is easy to use Ctrl to add individual items and Shift to add a range then click the -> or <- buttons.

Deleted by Disk4mat

Am I the only one that CTRL+A dosent work? I have to agree with Augeas. I cant imagine a scenario where you would move all cookies from one list to another and do it often. If you want to wipe out all cookies from time to time you can do it from your browser. Or disk cleanup.

Yes, [Ctrl] + [A] does not select all items in the list but if you click the top item and then drag the scroll bar all the way down and then hold [shift] while clicking the last item it will successfully select all items with no problem.


Some aversion to the suggestion :huh:

For the most users all these Ctrl and Shift combinations are fiddley and not obvious or easily discoverable - as demonstrated by one of the posters in this discussion. I've often found when configuring CCleaner on a few other machines I can't get the Ctrl+click to work for whatever random reason - heck try doing that on a laptop touchpad in a very long list of cookies!!!!!

I'm often moving loads of Cookies in these lists so the "bad" cookies are deleted but the login ones for all those website people use are kept. I often run CCleaner and then visit all the sites which I want cookies saved for. Then I go to cleaner cookies settings and add them all to the keep list - this is then where the bottle neck is - adding them one at a time!

Even if a button wasn't added to help, some sort of text in the window saying "Hold [Ctrl] to select multiple entries" would be useful :)

Hope this explains at least some reasoning behind why this would be useful.