I just noticed that the boxes for entering a search term in the cookie tool is cutting off the first character typed there.
It is there, just not visible (took me a minute to realize what was going on when I could not find cookies that were confirmed to be in the lists below).
The magnifying glass icon covers the first character typed.
CCleaner 5.77.8521 64bit
Win 10 20H2
FireFox 86.0
Also on another computer running the same versions.
So this is when you go to 'Options' and 'Cookies', and use either search box at the top of the cookie lists.
I suspect it is simply a field layout configuration issue.
19" monitors, 64 bit HP desktops. Nothing special; not changed any font or screen settings.
Only updates to software, Windows, CCleaner, and some other utilities.
No special screen-readers or accessibility setting or tools.
I don't often search cookies, but I do with new accounts to save the login cookies.
Don't know how long it was like this.
Will see if better after reboot tomorrow morning, but doesn't explain the bosses computer exhibiting the same behavior.
It searches fine, you just don't see the first character you type (and I thought I mistyped, and then I couldn't find anything as I had not removed the hidden character lurking behind the magnifying glass icon.
I hafta close shop, but will try it tomorrow and try to post back...
Also, later my OS crashed (RAM full and Windows updating in background)
Systems always seems unstable when windows get going in the background! (I can always tell: "must be a Windows update downloading..."), sure enough it was...
After my browser/system crashed (whole computer rebooted, auto recovery restart AFAIK [was NOT the update restart]), I DID try again, and the field was normal again, but the Bosses CCleaner search was still messed up.
[He's in the office now so I can't try it right now]
His computer also had some peculiar strings for the cookie titles (only in the left pane), which had %25's and %26's rendered, and other usually hidden characters, that weren't being rendered...
I think it was related to the Windows updating, and the browser competing for RAM and resources...
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
His computer also had some peculiar strings for the cookie titles (only in the left pane), which had %25's and %26's rendered, and other usually hidden characters, that weren't being rendered...
Are you meaning similar to this with the up-arrows and %'s?
That's simply the new Firefox 'Total Cookie Protection' that was introduced recently; first in Firefox version 85 for Supercookies, and now in version 86.0 for all cookies:
It means that if you use Firefox there are now more cookies, each website you visit has it's own 'cookie jar' - which can make things more difficult when working out which 'Cookies to keep'.
(I suspect that Chrome and other browsers will soon be following suit with similar 'cookie jars').
See this post from another user who did some experimenting with keeping cookies in this new Firefox:
I have not had a chance to see if the 'boss's' computer is still cutting off the first character, he is on it all the time, and we are super busy at work.
Mine is back to 'normal' last I looked (first character now has good 'elbow room')
It was curious that only the 'current' cookies list had the new 'cookie jar' (left panel), but I am guessing it is because all on the right had been saved by me previously under the 'old' system.
I'm guessing any new cookies I protect may appear on the right in the 'new' format...
The character cut-off seems to have been temporary (or perhaps will reappear sporadically).
Thanks to you all for great explanations!
[Is there any voting or marking 'solved' in this forum?]
Yes if you keep one of the new style cookies than you get all thoses extra partitioning chracters, as said the problem is working out which to keep.
The testing done in that other thread suggests that it's usually still the 'top level' one without the partitioning characters, although some of them only have a partitioned version.
Like anything else new it's going to take some testing and working out.
Not sure why your searchboxes changed? Mine is still doing it.
There isn't a solved button here, but we will sometimes manually change the thread title to show that it's been solved or explained.
As I'm not sure the charater cut-off has been solved I'll change the title to add the second query about new style Firefox cookies and add 'Explained'.