Cookie data in cookies to delete not removed

I have CCleaner version 3.5.1409 installed on a WinXp pro Sp3 PC.

When i display CCleaner > Options > Cookies it shows 8 cookie names that will not delete. even though

if opening all the cookie folders, none have any cookies in them.

CCleaner is definately deleting cookies!

The 8 cookies are:

Adobe Flash Player is checked under muutimedia

where could these cookie names be coming from?

I found that all those cookies are adobe flash cookies. so the problem is that ccleaner is not removing them.

Go to applications and check off Adobe Flash Player

Go to applications and check off Adobe Flash Player

As i said in my first post "adobe Flash Player" was already checked.

Search on this forum for "zombie cookies"

They are a special type of Adobe trash.

Or search the Internet if you want "About 8,390,000 results (0.14 seconds)"

Thanks Alan, That is how i realized they were Adobe cookies and I manually deleted them.

My point was why isn't CCleaner deleting them. No sense having an option in CC to do adobe cookies and then not doing it.

What did you learn when you took my advice, or did you fail to search ?

Did you see my post at the end of

Did you see the article I linked to at

A zombie cookie is much more than an adobe cookie

It is a self repairing gang - kill one component and the others recreate it.

They can be deleted but they come back to life.

I believe CCleaner has the ability to delete these things,

but perhaps the enemy has advanced,

or perhaps it is something different.


Are you now saying that you can tell CCleaner to delete them and immediately ANALYZE again and they failed to go,

but then you can manually delete them and they STAY deleted and never reappear ?

How do you manually clean cookies if you cannot find them in cookie folders ?


Are you now saying that you can tell CCleaner to delete them and immediately ANALYZE again and they failed to go,

but then you can manually delete them and they STAY deleted and never reappear ?

How do you manually clean cookies if you cannot find them in cookie folders ?

Yes Alan that is what i am saying.

I found these cookies in :

C:\Documents and Settings\Joseph Calderone\Application Data\Adobe\Flash Player\AssetCache\XUTLAHEZ


C:\Documents and Settings\Joseph Calderone\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\592YVZVT

I found these folders by doing a google search

Once i deleted them manually using Windows Explorer Delete they did not return

Right now there are 3 items in 592YVZVT but they do not show in the cookies window of CCleaner.

I understood from your first post that CCleaner found 8 cookies to delete,

but it was unable to delete them,

and furthermore you were unable to see them for yourself.

Now you are saying that you can see them and have identified their specific locations,

and CCleaner can also see them but is unable to delete them,

but you can not only see them you can also delete them.

I do not know how to understand this.

I suggest you try purging the entire infestation of Adobe trash.

I do not know if it is relevant to your needs,

but this is how I handle the two FLASH paths you have now specified.

Years ago I zapped Adobe trash at the roots at each User profile via CCleaner > Options > Include.

When I found WinApp2.ini understood Environmental Variables I only took the axe to the pair of roots in %APPDATA%.

My corresponding entry is no

FileKey1=%APPDATA%\Adobe\Flash Player\|*.*|RECURSE
FileKey2=%APPDATA%\Macromedia\Flash Player\|*.*|RECURSE

Every time I use the computer any Adobe trash has to recreate its habitat before it can start working against my interests.

I understand that the latest versions of CCleaner will now allow you to use CCleaner > Options > Include,

and then you can edit the CCleaner.ini file to replace one specific User Profile Application Data path with %APPDATA%