Firstly, great program. I recovered some files after my MBR became corrupt, although I could only manage to get text files. Anything sizeable was corrupted.
Anyways, I was running a deep scan on my 500GB HDD and it took about 12hrs in total. However I did manage to accidentally quit the first attempt at the scan about 4 hours into it because I accidentally clicked on the "Cancel" button while I was closing a windowed internet browser.
I would suggest a confirmation text, so that when you click "Cancel", you are prompted with a dialogue box displaying "Are you sure you want to quit?" or something to that effect. Even an option to enable/disable the prompt. Or the ability to minimize the window to the taskbar or the sustem tray.
I would suggest a confirmation text, so that when you click "Cancel", you are prompted with a dialogue box displaying "Are you sure you want to quit?" or something to that effect.
That sounds like a very good suggestion that I'd also like to see!
Makes sense to me too, but such a dialogue would also get "blooming annoying" when you really do want to close the program. Perhaps if it was just when scanning it asked and if it could remember the last list of recoverable files (as an option) would work better, for the end user (sorry programmers, I have a feeling that this would be easier said than done).
In any form though, I agree, confirmation to close and/or minimization to system try would be a good feature to have.