configure automatic browser cleaning to use my custom clean strategy instead?

Or, perhaps better would be a way to have it include my directives in Options/include.

While I am at it, what actions does CCleaner take with the standard browser cleaning?

I am trying to clear as much as possible after using my browser on brokerage accounts especially , including all cookies from any and all browsers (except for my designated exceptions), all browser cache, and whatever else. I find that, with a fast computer and fast Internet, cache is unimportant anyway between browser sessions. I have been doing this manually and it works just fine, at least with Firefox.

I have the Professional version of CCleaner

Use Custom Clean rather than Health Check.

Health Check does it's own thing and you cannot change what it does, it's meant to be a simplified option..

As the name 'Custom Clean' says you can customise what gets cleaned or not.

And you can set different rules for different browsers.

You can also set which cookies to keep or not, which is also what you are asking:

To set Custom Clean as your default go to Options>Settings and change the CCleaner home screen.

Reading your thread title again I believe that you are meaning the automatic browser cleaning in Smart Cleaning; the advice is still the same because it uses the Custom Clean settings:


Note that Health Check does not use those settings/rules, they only apply to Custom Clean.

So if you run Health Check all your custom settings will be ignored.

Thank you. It seems like any time I have a need to embarrass myself, I just post a question to get a dose of humility. Because , there it is right there, just a bit further up the page.

LoL, at times we all need pointing to something that's already there.

Hopefully we learn a bit new at the same time.

Ok, but I find I still have a problem. After this discussion, I am doing testing. While the custom configuration is working completely correctly when running manually triggered, it is not working when I close the browser. After Firefox browser closes, I can see the CCleaner Icon activate in the task bar but when I check it out with Windows Explorer, the files are still there. Also, if I run custom clean manually afterwards, it successfully cleans the files. Perhaps I need some kind of delay here to let Firefox completely exit? Is there a log debug file that may help me that I can turn on?

I should mention my structure, which is on a RAM disk R:\ see attachment.CCleanerInclude.jpg.2cd45123fc7f06dc5d37e2db4e8f1082.jpg

A way to code this to recursively delete under the top folder would be helpful here also if there is a way to code that. Something like R:\* -R or such.

I've noticed myself recently that Firefox can persist for a while after closing.

I use my own cleaning file for Firefox and it sometimes throws errors if I don't wait a bit after closing Firefox, usually because one of '<em>cookies.sqlite</em>' or '<em>webappsstore.sqlite</em>' is still open.

It seems that Firefox is sometimes taking longer to close than it used to, which could explain why Smart Cleaning is sometimes missing bits out for you.

(Maybe it now needs a bit (more) of a delay before Smart Cleaning fires up?).

Running CCleaner manually gives Firefox that bit of extra time to fully close.

I'm not sure if you can get logs from Smart Cleaning.

You can get a log from CCleaner if you use the 'Run' command in Windows.

Open your start menu and type 'Run' to bring it up.

Then type in the following and click OK (You may have to change the pathname on your setup).

"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe" /debug

When you close CCleaner there will be a new logfile in that directory showing what CCleaner has done.

For more info see this:–0-1

Of course you could simply set Firefox to clean itself up when you close it?

Settings&gt;Privacy &amp; Security. Then 'Cookies &amp; Site Data' - You can also manage the current data and set exceptions there.

Don't forget 'History' a bit lower down that page.

Thank you. Saying that now because it may take a while to digest this.