computer start-up problems

I've been given a computer that was used in a racing sim network. I'm told that the hard-drive was reformatted. On starting there is a successful memory check - then nothing further and no access to the cd-drive or a-drive.

After the memory test the screen reads....

Award Medallion BIOS v6.0 1984-2000 Award Software Inc.

ASUS CUSL2-C ACPI BIOS Revision 1006.A

Inte® 111 500E MHz Processor

Memory Test 786432K OK

Press DEL to enter SETUP

02/27/2001 - 1815 - CUSL2-C-00


The cursor remains flashing under the '2' at the end of the memory test number.

Pressing DEL does not enter fact pressing any key at all produces nothing.

I've tried resetting the cmos (battery removal and jumper reset) with no change.

Neither keyboard or mouse are usb. Suggestions appreciated.

I've been given a computer that was used in a racing sim network. I'm told that the hard-drive was reformatted. On starting there is a successful memory check - then nothing further and no access to the cd-drive or a-drive.

After the memory test the screen reads....

Award Medallion BIOS v6.0 1984-2000 Award Software Inc.

ASUS CUSL2-C ACPI BIOS Revision 1006.A

Inte? 111 500E MHz Processor

Memory Test 786432K OK

Press DEL to enter SETUP

02/27/2001 - 1815 - CUSL2-C-00


The cursor remains flashing under the '2' at the end of the memory test number.

Pressing DEL does not enter fact pressing any key at all produces nothing.

I've tried resetting the cmos (battery removal and jumper reset) with no change.

Neither keyboard or mouse are usb. Suggestions appreciated.

Hi ansell,

I am no expert on this but what happens if you boot and keep hitting F2 key.(Not sure what function key it might be on your PC.) I know on some PC s this allows you to change the device boot sequence and you can allow access to your boot drive first.

Good luck,

:) davey

P.S. Congrats on the PC !!! Nothing better than returning a useful PC to good use.

Hi ansell,

I am no expert on this but what happens if you boot and keep hitting F2 key.(Not sure what function key it might be on your PC.) I know on some PC s this allows you to change the device boot sequence and you can allow access to your boot drive first.

Good luck,


P.S. Congrats on the PC !!! Nothing better than returning a useful PC to good use.

Hello Davey......thanks for the suggestion.


> .....what happens if you boot and keep hitting F2 key


Unfortunately.....nothing happens. The keyboard can stop the memory check and then nothing.


> .....Congrats on the PC !!! Nothing better than returning a useful PC to good use.


I've arranged for the others (5) in the network to arrive here on Friday.....I'm told they have all been reformatted and now show the same problem, so if I can get this first one working I should be able to get them all working and our local primary school will get a huge boost to their computing capacity. Here's hoping! Regards, ansell.

I've arranged for the others (5) in the network to arrive here on Friday.....I'm told they have all been reformatted and now show the same problem, so if I can get this first one working I should be able to get them all working and our local primary school will get a huge boost to their computing capacity. Here's hoping! Regards, ansell.

Hi ansell,

I know that our members will do all we can to see that happen. This is great.

Try all the other function keys for now.

:) davey We love schools. :wub:

Found the manual here. Hope it helps .

Looks like page 43 is good place to start.

Hold down <delete> key when startup then you can do as you like.

:) davey

Hello Davey......thanks for the encouragement and the link. I now have the manual and I learn that the one beep that I'm getting means that there was no error during POST - but unfortunately, holding down the delete key during start-up has not let me into the bios still only skips the memory test. At least that single beep has eased my concerns about a fried m'board (or am I showing my ignorance with this little bit of bliss in an otherwise fairly desolate landscape?). D'you think that not getting into the bios with the DEL key is an indicator that the bios has the problem? Regards and thanks again, ansell.

D'you think that not getting into the bios with the DEL key is an indicator that the bios has the problem?

As Doc Bones said to Captain Kirk Its dead Jim.

Or as apptly phrased about the parrot Its bledin demised

Hello YoKenny......


> .....Its dead Jim.


How bad is that.....what do I do to confirm that it's a demised bios and if it is an ex-bios, what then? Thanks for your resonse. Regards, ansell.

Hello Davey......thanks for the encouragement and the link. I now have the manual and I learn that the one beep that I'm getting means that there was no error during POST - but unfortunately, holding down the delete key during start-up has not let me into the bios still only skips the memory test. At least that single beep has eased my concerns about a fried m'board (or am I showing my ignorance with this little bit of bliss in an otherwise fairly desolate landscape?). D'you think that not getting into the bios with the DEL key is an indicator that the bios has the problem? Regards and thanks again, ansell.

What a predicament !!!

You need to go to your "local school friendly" PC repair shop and explain your situation.

When you get the other PCs you can create BIOS reinstall/update floppies.(see page 45).

Good luck,

:) davey

Welcome to Piriform ansell.

How can I flash the BIOS without DOS?

If Del doesn't get into the BIOS is your keyboard faulty? Can you borrow one of a friend?

Or you join a proper computer fault forum

P.S. There is a Quote button at the bottom of each reply ansell. ;)

There is a forum just started up here with some very knowledgable people who deal with this sort of problem, especially Markymoo the admin who also posts over on Wilders.

He should be able to sort you out.

Thanks to everyone for the replies.....

I've been able to get into the bios by removing and then replacing the three DIMM memory cards. I set the bios to the default settings and then selected to boot from the cd-rom-drive and here I ran into another problem. As I intend to give the computer to the local primary school I got their Windows XP Prof. installation disc and it turns out that this is a x64 version and the computer will only run a x32 version. As I don't have a x32 installation disc I seem to have arrived at a dead-end. Dunno what to do now! Regards, ansell.

Thanks to everyone for the replies.....

I've been able to get into the bios by removing and then replacing the three DIMM memory cards. I set the bios to the default settings and then selected to boot from the cd-rom-drive and here I ran into another problem. As I intend to give the computer to the local primary school I got their Windows XP Prof. installation disc and it turns out that this is a x64 version and the computer will only run a x32 version. As I don't have a x32 installation disc I seem to have arrived at a dead-end. Dunno what to do now! Regards, ansell.

Hi ansell,

Saw your thread somewhere else too.

Bad News !!! Maybe you can get the original stuff from the PC donors .Plus the BIOS floppies . Maybe???

Of course like I said, Your local "school friendly" PC shop might be able to help.

Nothing wrong with some little ad stickers on the monitor to let the locals know where there is a good PC repair shop.

Local businesses get good support from school and church members where I live. Beats the the heck out of "PC City" or whatever !!!

Good luck and I applaud you efforts,

:) davey,

Thanks to everyone for the replies.....

I've been able to get into the bios by removing and then replacing the three DIMM memory cards. I set the bios to the default settings and then selected to boot from the cd-rom-drive and here I ran into another problem. As I intend to give the computer to the local primary school I got their Windows XP Prof. installation disc and it turns out that this is a x64 version and the computer will only run a x32 version. As I don't have a x32 installation disc I seem to have arrived at a dead-end. Dunno what to do now! Regards, ansell.

Does the system case have a holographic sticker on it with the 25 alphanumeric key on it?

If it does then you could ask at the local primary school to borrow their CD to do a fresh install of the OS and you should ask them what parameters they have for their local network as they will probably need it connected to it.

They probably have a local network technician that can help you with this.

Thanks to all those who have offered advice.....I now know considerably more than when I started the topic!


The school principal is confident about finding a Winx32 installation.....

I'm going to try the ReactOS on one of the units (I'll report in another topic when I have some results).....

What goes around comes around - I've been given yet another unit that's running Win'98 and I'm going to set this up for my grand-daughter (3y/o) to use when she's may soon find another topic about networking to my computer and its WinXP.

Would someone let me know if I now need to mark this topic as 'answered'.

Thanks again. Regards, ansell.

Thanks to all those who have offered advice.....I now know considerably more than when I started the topic!


The school principal is confident about finding a Winx32 installation.....

I'm going to try the ReactOS on one of the units (I'll report in another topic when I have some results).....

What goes around comes around - I've been given yet another unit that's running Win'98 and I'm going to set this up for my grand-daughter (3y/o) to use when she's may soon find another topic about networking to my computer and its WinXP.

Would someone let me know if I now need to mark this topic as 'answered'.

Thanks again. Regards, ansell.

Congrats ansell,

We don't have any special place other than the thread itself to tell if something is resolved.

The thread itself tells the story.

It also provides much learning material for many others.

You keep on finding those abandoned PCs and see to it that they are put to good use in the community.

There is always someone that can benefit tremendously by even the simplest PC setup.

Good Work and Good Luck,

:) davey

Looking forward to your write up on this if you try it Ansell :)

Glad things are moving on for you now.