Comments on release v1.02.085 Final

Good to see a new release (today ay 10:10 GDT !)

I can't say that the changes cf. RC2 are that obvious to me, but given the list of items changed/fixed in the release notes, I'm not surprised ! I'm sure that much work has gone into the release anyway [thanks].

There is just one thing that I really hoped would be changed that has not been:- the Defrag Progress window that was introduced at RC2 when defragging a selection [checked or highlighted] still blocks the GUI, so that one can't even minimise Defraggler whilst it is doing its work. This may seem trivial, but given that the defragging could take some time, it is often important to be able to minimise the window in order to be able to have access to the desktop to do something else ! I would prefer the old non-blocking borderless window...

Despite this, I actually rarely use Defraggler to defrag specific files. Or for that matter to effect a full defrag of files, folders and freespace - this only needs doing fairly rarely, which is just as well because it takes a lot of time. Nope, what I most commonly do with Defraggler is defrag all the files. And for this I've been using Analyse, followed by selecting all the files on the resulting frag-list and then selecting Defrag Checked. I suspect that many other users may do likewise, since used in this manner fairly often, Defraggler is [generally] very quick and keeps the disk in order with minimal fuss.

However, there is the slightly niggling issue of the blocking progress window...

BUT ! There is another way of doing something quite similar without having a blocking progress window...

Instead of using the buttons, use the menu...for example, to defrag all the files on Drive D: (but not the freespace), Select Action/Defrag Folder/D/OK . Defraggler will then perform both the analysis and defragging of all the files on the selected drive, without any separate progress window, allowing the main window to be minimised with ease. The only drawback is that this way of defragging does take somewhat longer and I strongly suspect that this is because in this mode Defraggler is defragging both files *and* folders [=> comments please, design team ?]

Anyway, my sincere thanks to the Piriform design team for an excellent product :D


Congrats to the team, but why the phone home?

Congrats to the team, but why the phone home?

...that would be the "background update" check mentioned in the release notes...


Hi fans!

Are we supposed to uninstall the old one first before we install the new one? I's gots to know.

...that would be the "background update" check mentioned in the release notes...


ok.. also, update can easily be turned on/off in the registry : CURRENT_USER\Software\Piriform\*\ (UpdateCheck, UpdateFrequency..)

ok.. also, update can easily be turned on/off in the registry : CURRENT_USER\Software\Piriform\*\ (UpdateCheck, UpdateFrequency..)

Hmm. Thanks for that. Presumable then, the reg files in the attached zip file could be used to enable or disable the automatic background updates feature... ;)

Hi fans!

Are we supposed to uninstall the old one first before we install the new one? I's gots to know.

I cannot see any reason why you would need to uninstall the old one first, but I ask the development team [or anyone else who may know better] to confirm/deny this.

The reason I believe this is that the standard installer can actually be opened as an archive by 7-Zip, and if you do so, you will find inside the "defraggler.exe" and "df.exe" executables that are installed if/when you run the installer. These files are identical to the "portable" version that Piriform have packaged here... So...given that these are identical, I do not see that any installer is actually necessary other than for showing you the licence agreement and placing the files in the Program Files area & creating shortcuts and an uninstaller utility. In other words, the installer is essentially just a convenience.

That being said, I think in general that you should either use the installer verbatim or the "portable" file, as you should respect Piriform's obvious [and very reasonable] desire for you to read the licence agreement.

If you have already read the licence agreement, and a copy of it is in your installation directory, then it should be reasonable for you to merely download the "portable" version and copy the new "defraggler.exe and "df.exe" files over the installed ones in place [iMHO].


Is the portable version broken? because it still saves settings to the registry.

Also does the Defraggler team have any plans on reducing the amount of empty space in the GUI? A couple other members and I posted some GUI mockups that would help solve the problem...

Is the portable version broken? because it still saves settings to the registry.

Also does the Defraggler team have any plans on reducing the amount of empty space in the GUI? A couple other members and I posted some GUI mockups that would help solve the problem...

...well, when it's called portable, I think they just mean that it needs no installer. AFAIK all the "portable" versions still write to the registry. However, this is pretty minimal stuff (like window position etc.).

As for the GUI mockups and suggestions, well yes; I recall quite a few good suggestions (including at least one from you) in the following threads:-

V1.02.077 RC1

v1.02.078 RC2

Let's hope that they're not forgotten ;)


The bug i reported in older version (when u maximize defraggler> close him> start him again, the window is not maximized but its moved a little to the top left corner) is still there, and after i finish defraging my hdd i still see 2 red blocks (see img) however defraggler is saying everything is defraged and there are no fragmented files :-/ i was waiting for the new release for so long i am really fan of the defraggler i am installing him on every pc i let my hands on, but i am very disappointed with this release, sorry for the critic :(


The new 1.02.085 is the first version I have seen that insists on warning me every time I have less than five percent free space. Why does it have to do that every time? There should be an option to turn this annoying feature off.

The bug i reported in older version (when u maximize defraggler> close him> start him again, the window is not maximized but its moved a little to the top left corner) is still there, and after i finish defraging my hdd i still see 2 red blocks (see img) however defraggler is saying everything is defraged and there are no fragmented files :-/ i was waiting for the new release for so long i am really fan of the defraggler i am installing him on every pc i let my hands on, but i am very disappointed with this release, sorry for the critic :(
Posting that huge image from Image shack was very inconsiderate for dial-up users.

Please use a scaled down clickable thumbnail from:

What screen size are you using?

It works fine on my 1024x768 screen.

The new 1.02.085 is the first version I have seen that insists on warning me every time I have less than five percent free space. Why does it have to do that every time? There should be an option to turn this annoying feature off.
I would never let my hard drive get down to less than five percent free space as it is getting close to the disaster that will soon happen.

Get an external hard drive as they are real inexpensive or burn some stuff to CD and clean up the space on the constrained hard drive.

I am using 1680x1050, that scaled image its 25kb big i don't think that its that big :-/ anyone still using dialup? i don't think sooo :) but i will use scaled image next time, no worries ;)

I am using 1680x1050,
I would get massive headaches trying to read the fine print.

that scaled image its 25kb big i don't think that its that big :-/ anyone still using dialup?
There are many people on dial-up and using Win98 in happy bliss.

Put in my extreme annoyance at the totally-automatic "phone home" feature. IMHO **_NO_** software should ever initiate an Internet connection without my EXPLICIT permission. I was extremely disappointed that my firewall told me that DF was trying to "talk to another computer". This is BAD.

It's acceptable to initiate a connection when I choose "check for updates".

IMHO the "check for updates" page should NOT require Javascript. You're getting the current version in the URL passed from the program ( -- BTW what does "l=1033" mean?), should be easy enough to have a page come up that says "You're current" or "New version available" without having to enable scripting in my browser.

Also, FWIW, DF throws an unfriendly error when I try to run it as limited user. IMHO it should check for admin-rights when it is started up and advise the user of that.

The bug i reported in older version (when u maximize defraggler> close him> start him again, the window is not maximized but its moved a little to the top left corner

That's been an issue with some Windows programs for years (or maybe it's Windows itself), even back in the Win98 days. I don't know why, but I've ran into it myself with many different programs - not Defraggler though.

BTW what does "l=1033" mean?

It's for language I suppose.

Look at this post here by thm (hint it's in this very same thread), and download to make DF no longer phone home.

BTW what does "l=1033" mean?

Language code for EN-US is 1033. I guess that's what it would be.