Comment, Question and Suggestion

Ccleaner is really a nice program...been using it pretty much trouble-free for several years now. Though I've considered the paid rogram, don't see it as any benefit...but keeping open mind. Comment is: thanks - nice utility that's well-behaved! Question is: in running Drive Wipe...used before on occasion with no issues...but now using it on a recently failed (actually, failing) laptop drive that I recently replaced. I wanted to 'clean' it before taking a few drill bits to it before chucking in the trash, so I took it and installed it in an Ineo USB 3.0 HDD docking station I have and connected that with a USB 3.0 cable to my regular PC (not the laptop with the replaced drive). It showed up as drive M: and I first just re-formatted the drive, then decided to try and run Drive Wipe and here I ran into issues. Here's the Question: The Drive Wipe window sees the drive as an SSD - it is certainly not, it is just an old failing Toshiba 2.5 in. HDD - and Drive Wipe will not let me do multiple passes and it will not let me 'wipe the whole drive' only allows 'wipe free space' (which should be the whole drive since I just re-formatted it and the OS and all programs should be gone). Anyway, my best guess is since the drive is connected to my (Win 8.1) PC with this USB 3.0 connection and this docking station, that is the reason Ccleaner/Drive Wipe thinks it is an SD connected. Right? And finally, the Suggestion: I noted you recently have a window to configure Google Chrome as default browser. Caught this and un-clicked the default check in the ratio button. I think this is a bad idea to sell out to sadvertisers and hawk products like Chrome to users that may not notice. I suggest you get rid of the Google Chrome thing. thanks again for a great product...and the time to consider these issues.

the Google Chrome offering has been included in the free version for as long as I've been using CC (about 3 years).

and Yes, while annoying, it's what keeps the free version free.

the offering isn't there in the paid-for, slim or portable builds.