I'm trying to setup an automated task to run a defrag on the C: through a command. I was successful on one machine, but the other one randomly aborts. Looking through the log, it seems to be skipping whole files all the way through. So I tried running through the GUI and it works.
I've tried both with and without the /large switch active.
The only error I see that may be something to do with it is failure to get file size and attributes for some files. I did a check on the drive with Defraggler and found nothing, and I'm about to start a chkdsk.
I'm running v2_3_282
Windows 7 Ultimate
I'm attaching the debugg3 log and output from cmd, as well as the msinfo. I don't see anything relevant in the event logs. Your attachment size is small, so I had to compress everything with 7z.
I'm probably doing something stupid somewhere, but it worked fine on another similar machine, only real significant difference is that UAC is turned all the way on with the computer it works on, but the machine that's not working has UAC turned off.
I'd like to report the same bug. In my case, I am running Windows Home Premium x64. I also am running a virtual x86 XP box through Sun VirtualBox, and I get the same results in that machine as well. One similarity I have noticed between invisiblade's report, mine, and several other's I found on the Defraggler website, is that the processor type indicated on line 13 is "586". I'm sure this is likely coincidence, but it did catch my eye.
On a semi-unrelated note, any chance of Defraggler becoming open-source (or any variation thereof)? I'd love to get a crack at Defraggler's insides...
You have offered no advice to the poster about backing up the registry before doing something which could potentially damage his system.
Post a link to the said Microsoft article and let the poster decide for himself if he wants to do it. The error code 0x80070002 can be generated for other reasons than the one you gave.