Command Line/Automated Version

Hi, I recently downloaded and began using CCleaner and am very impressed. Congratulations on an excellent application!

Is it possible to run the application from a command line or on a schedule with predefined settings?

This factiility would be a massive boost as it would mean it could be automated on user PC's and servers etc.



I'm not sure if It's exactly what you are looking for but you can set CCleaner to run at start up in options.

/AUTO - Runs the cleaner upon loading and then closes the application.

CCleaner.exe /AUTO

/AUTO - Runs the cleaner upon loading and then closes the application.

CCleaner.exe /AUTO

Exactly, and it can also be made into a scheduled task using Task Scheduler, it can be ran as much as needed.

I need a hot key--not to open the C Cleaner App, just to run it silently. useful for whilst browsing from time to time-I like the context on the R Bin, but whilst windows are open, can't see the R Bin

I don't want to re-boot and it won't be convenient to use Task Scheduler.

For example;- I hit the Hot Key-CCleaner runs immediately in the background as and when I want it to. Is this possible please? Which path to use? Thanks for excellent Program too. Ian ( Island of Malta)

Make a shortcut to CCleaner [and put it anywhere on your system you want, or even right-click-properties-General-hidden checkmark] that contains the /auto switch (or not) and then on the Shortcut tab, change the Shortcut key to something. I hit control+c which made the shortcut key alt+control+c, which works here :P

/AUTO - Runs the cleaner upon loading and then closes the application.

CCleaner.exe /AUTO

Why doesn't this work for me? If I try to run from a BAT or CMD file, a DOS window opens very briefly, but nothing more happens. If I run it from START/RUN, nothing at all happens.


Why doesn't this work for me? If I try to run from a BAT or CMD file, a DOS window opens very briefly, but nothing more happens. If I run it from START/RUN, nothing at all happens.



usualy you should include full path when you use start>run for .exe that isn't in windows directory

for CCleaner silent running "invisible" in the back ground


"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /auto

hit OK

BUt if you want same silent "invisible" cleaning at each start up. then

open CCleaner>options tab tick

"run CCleaner when the computer starts" > hit OK and thats it.

Also you can make a shortcut and put it anywhere you like

right click on an empty space on the desktop>new>shortcut

put this in the location bar

"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /auto

hit next>give it a re-name if you like>click finnish

your shortcut is ready

Now CCleaner will do its job silently by double clicking on this shortcut

Hi, I recently downloaded and began using CCleaner and am very impressed. Congratulations on an excellent application!

Is it possible to run the application from a command line or on a schedule with predefined settings?

This factiility would be a massive boost as it would mean it could be automated on user PC's and servers etc.




for shedueled silent cleaning. create a short cut as described in my previous reply

right click on an empty space on the desktop>new>shortcut

copy this and put it in the location bar

"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /auto

hit next>give it a re-name if you like>click finnish

your shortcut is ready (I suggest you put it in CCleaner's folder)


control panel>performance and maintenance>scheduled tasks>doubleclick on "add sheduled task">next>browse.

browse to where the created shortcut is and select it>hit open then carry on to perform the task whether daily/weekly...etc.

usualy you should include full path when you use start>run for .exe that isn't in windows directory

for CCleaner silent running "invisible" in the back ground


"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /auto

hit OK

That's exactly what I do, but nothing happens!


That's exactly what I do, but nothing happens!



and invisible is exactly what i said

CCleaner works BUT IT IS INVISIBLE that is the beauty I like about this program.

to make sure go and check the folders and see. CCleaner has actually cleaned them

DON'T FORGET to make a shortcut here again

Also you can make a shortcut and put it anywhere you like

right click on an empty space on the desktop>new>shortcut

copy and put this in the location bar

"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /auto

hit next>give it a re-name if you like>click finnish

your shortcut is ready

Now CCleaner will do its job silently (I N V I S I B L E ) by double clicking on this shortcut

CCleaner works BUT IT IS INVISIBLE that is the beauty I like about this program.

to make sure go and check the folders and see. CCleaner has actually cleaned them

Invisible, OK, but I had no idea it could be so fast! ;-)


Thanks for that djlizard works like a charm--Ian.

Make a shortcut to CCleaner [and put it anywhere on your system you want, or even right-click-properties-General-hidden checkmark] that contains the /auto switch (or not) and then on the Shortcut tab, change the Shortcut key to something. I hit control+c which made the shortcut key alt+control+c, which works here :P

That's exactly what I do, but nothing happens!


If you want to see it run and then terminate, have a process viewer open when you hit the hot-key..

(the best free one has been at for the last 7-years now - and it's constantly updated to perfection - like CCleaner :) )


Side note: Process Explorer (viewer above) can be set to substitute for the crappy windows task-manager too. It can launch files (eg services.msc, cmd, etc..). I've found that in severe cases, both explorer and iexplorer must be halted to catch and delete malware, bho's, and other recursive virus activity). It's the only process manager that M$ teaches you to use on their own site.. B) (Authors Solomon and Russinovich write a lot of Windows Internals books)

Basically, it substitutes as your system shell, when explorer is out-to-lunch - Cheers!