Cna Recuva recover Windows License Keys

I am trying to help someone who took their laptop to a friend to get it 'fixed', however this friend reformatted the hard drive using their own Vista media and gave it back. Now, Vista is asking for the License Key to be activated and he cannot find his original software.

I'm hoping Recuva may be able to recover the Windows License Key!!?!!

Again, this is all in efforts to help someone in a bind and in the process learn as well! ;) Thoughts & Suggestions are welcomed! Thanks!

If this laptop was pre-installed with Vista (OEM copy) it's unlikely the original code or the one that came with the DVD it was installed with is going to active Windows.

Most laptops come with some kind of a product recovery DVD or bootable recovery partition to reinstall the Operating System already activated.

Perhaps your friend should inquire about getting a product recover DVD or maybe they already had one that came with the laptop and didn't realise it.

The other alternative would be to ditch Vista and invest in a copy of Windows 7 since it's performance and memory usage is a lot better.

Richard S.

In short form. No, most programs, and especially Windows itself, do not keep program keys in file form. Recuva can only restore files.

Hi Richard, I think it was originally pre-installed. I wonder if I should try the bootable recovery partition and see if will work?? Will the bootable recovery partition be from the original OEM install or will it be from what the other guy installed? Anyonw knows? :huh:

I have advised him of Windows 7, but the $199. cost is not in his budget at this time. :unsure:

I'm just trying to see if I can help him in anyway with trying to recover it. Hmmmm?

If the laptop has a boot recovery partition then this should be from the OEM install.

The only thing that isn't clear is whether installing Vista over with the DVD has damaged the recovery partition.

I guess the only way to find out is to try it out. :)

Just out of curiosity what's the make and model number of the laptop??

Richard S.