Close ports

Anyone know how to close TCP port 139 and 1025.

And close UDP port 137 and 138.

Is it possible, and if so how?

I'm sure you will get better answer soon, until then here is a link which talks about how to disable UDP 137 138 and TCP 139, apparently you have to disable netBT ( it's under the heading Client /Server port usage) I would suggest you read all the article through.'s_port_445...w2k_xp_2003.htm

I uninstalled "File and printing sharing" and "Client for Microsoft Network" from the Network Connections in Control Panel.

Both were disabled, but now that I uninstalled them, these ports disappeared. :)

If you're using a software-based firewall most that I know of an have used will automatically protect those ports from external/incoming exploitation, even the wimpy Windows Firewall will protect them.

Yeah, they were blocked by the firewall, but I wanted them gone. :)

And now they are. :)

For anyone else interested in a quick and easy way to disable some troublesome ports there's a freeware utility called Windows Worms Doors Cleaner located at:

Yeah, I used that "Windows Worms Doors Cleaner".

It is simple and good.