Clear "Cookies To Delete" list.

I just found what I consider a serious privacy breach on CCCleaner. May I suggest that there be a way to clear the "Cookies To Delete" list. Why? Well because when you go to the "Options/Cookies" there are two columns. The left column has the title "Cookies to delete" and on the right a column called "Cookies To Keep". In the left column (Cookies To Delete) are a huge list of all the websites I have visited from which cookies were deleted from...HELLO! That means my small-breasted wife can now see that I have been to to satisfy my interest in big breasted women!! thus making her feel inferior! The whole idea of CCCleaner I thought was to keep my surfing habits private. Well it doesn't in this case. So if anyone already has a solution then please pass it on. Just for the record I have tried uninstalling and re-installing CCCleaner to no avail, the list keeps popping up again. I have unistalled and re-installed Firefox, again to no avail, the list is still there in my system. Somewhere on my PC's harddrive is a list of the websites I have visited. Where is it? Can I delete it? How do I delete that list for good off my PC? Thank-you

I just found what I consider a serious privacy breach on CCCleaner. May I suggest that there be a way to clear the "Cookies To Delete" list. Why? Well because when you go to the "Options/Cookies" there are two columns. The left column has the title "Cookies to delete" and on the right a column called "Cookies To Keep". In the left column (Cookies To Delete) are a huge list of all the websites I have visited from which cookies were deleted from...HELLO! That means my small-breasted wife can now see that I have been to to satisfy my interest in big breasted women!! thus making her feel inferior! The whole idea of CCCleaner I thought was to keep my surfing habits private. Well it doesn't in this case. So if anyone already has a solution then please pass it on. Just for the record I have tried uninstalling and re-installing CCCleaner to no avail, the list keeps popping up again. I have unistalled and re-installed Firefox, again to no avail, the list is still there in my system. Somewhere on my PC's harddrive is a list of the websites I have visited. Where is it? Can I delete it? How do I delete that list for good off my PC? Thank-you

Squirel HAve you read this topic?;mode=linear

heh heh

heh heh

anyway are you using ff3 or ff2

Many many posts on ff3 not clearing correct

plz to search the forum first :P

also for your sake use a portable firefox (like the one from john haller and clear all information at close ff3 and two will do this auto for you)

I'm sorry I feel like a joke's being played on me so I'm going to repost me favorite line from my linked tyopic above

User is a frequent visitor of certain adult sites.

User's Wife is highly against his use of pornography and will often check through his cookie files for names like and

user needs to keep his cookies because he has set up the sites the way he likes them but wife uses CCleaner and can see the names.

User wants to hide the names of these sites from her with out killing the cookies.

THIS IS NOT (AFAIK) Something CCleaner can do. In fact it's very unlikely that anything can after all the Sites use these file names to tell it what to do.

My Opinion is user needs to get a Flash memory stick, password protect it and use a portable web browser. or better yet, get a new WIFE B)

Silly me. I did'nt have the IE boxes checked. I checked the IE boxes and hey presto all the websites listed in the cookies to delete box have dissapered! Let that be a lesson to you all...LOL. Silly silly me...phew, now I can go back to!! Big breasts here I cum...nya nya nyaaaaa!