I have been using CCleaner for a long time because in the beginning it was the best program to remove the crap from my computer. I notice now that the FREE version of CCleaner does not thoroughly clean your computer. You must buy a professional version of CCleaner if you want it to clean everywhere.
Please consider making the free version of CCleaner do what it was originally created to do and that's to clean better than any other program. Make the free, manual version clean everywhere. Let the professional version have all of the extra features that professionals need such as the automatic updating, automatic history cleaning, and the real-time guarding against junk files. The Professional Plus version has even more features!
Since the free version of CCleaner does not clean everywhere, it's time to look for a better cleaning program and when I do find myself wanting some of the professional features that go beyond just cleaning, I will look first at what I am using rather than to CCleaner. If CCleaner can't completely clean, you're not going to attract as many new users of the free version. A percentage of the free version users will convert to a professional version, but there will be less of those if you attract fewer new users of the free version in the first place.