Cleaning the Registry

Hi All,

I was very reluctant to download CCleaner because of all the research I did prior to the download. I found that there is a good 70 30 percentage against Registry Cleaners. The main thing that I read is that no software is really going to know what your system uses from the registry and what can be removed. From my understanding of how CCleaner works this is probably true. Ultimately it is the user who is choosing what should be deleted and what should not.

I am far from a computer genius and to be honest I really don't know much at all. My understanding of the registry is that it contains all the information for everything that your computer does. I do not understand much computer lingo or coding and therefore I am lost on what items I should remove and what items I should not. I mean I see things like win/32/system. (i don't know) and I have no clue what this is for, where it leads or anything. Spy Bot tells me that it is spyware but doesn't find it in a scan. I just want to know how to find out what all the numbering means so that I don't end up doing something foolish and delete a program I really need.

Please help me get educated on this.

Thank you in advance.

Hi All,

I was very reluctant to download CCleaner because of all the research I did prior to the download. I found that there is a good 70 30 percentage against Registry Cleaners. The main thing that I read is that no software is really going to know what your system uses from the registry and what can be removed. From my understanding of how CCleaner works this is probably true. Ultimately it is the user who is choosing what should be deleted and what should not.

I am far from a computer genius and to be honest I really don't know much at all. My understanding of the registry is that it contains all the information for everything that your computer does. I do not understand much computer lingo or coding and therefore I am lost on what items I should remove and what items I should not. I mean I see things like win/32/system. (i don't know) and I have no clue what this is for, where it leads or anything. Spy Bot tells me that it is spyware but doesn't find it in a scan. I just want to know how to find out what all the numbering means so that I don't end up doing something foolish and delete a program I really need.

Please help me get educated on this.

Thank you in advance.

Hello Chrissy,

Welcome to the forum :D

You are a wise lady.

Start here with this link and follow its advice.

P.S. Also see this link about the Registry and newbies.

Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.

Good luck,

:) davey

CCleaner Beginner's Bookmark and save to Favorites

Thanks Davey! I've got some reading to do. :P

I'll let you know how it goes.


So I have started on some of the reading you gave me and I already have questions. :lol:

I was reading from the update and I was confused if maybe you gave me the wrong link as I have the 2.09 version. I also use Nortons identity safe so I never lose my passwords after doing the CCleaner clean up.

My questions about that link is under the cleaner tab; applications I see the following:


Just to be clear, when I select Run Cleaner RegEdit, MSPaint, Windows Media Player etc. what exactly am I deleting? For RegEdit am I deleting things from the registry? For Windows media player would I be deleting my music? From MS Paint would I be deleting my files etc. you get the drift of my question, I want to know what I'm deleting. :blink:

I know I may be jumping the gun as you have given me more to read that I am sure probably will tell me the answers to the questions, I thought I better ask now in case I don't get to all that reading prior to my next clean. B)

Under the Windows tab when I see the following:


what am I deleting there? Major concern, recent documents (will that delete my recently viewed documents from my start menu?) and run in start menu, what will that delete? What are other explorer MRU's, Chkdsk File fragments, windows log files and index .dat files? I mean what could I lose when I delete those and what are they?

Sorry for the over load in questions but I'm one of those write it down now before I forget kinda' people. :lol:

Thanks a bunch


Back to reading



Just to be clear, when I select Run Cleaner RegEdit, MSPaint, Windows Media Player etc. what exactly am I deleting? For RegEdit am I deleting things from the registry? For Windows media player would I be deleting my music? From MS Paint would I be deleting my files etc. you get the drift of my question, I want to know what I'm deleting. :blink:
Its just deleting logging files not the actual items.

Sorry for the over load in questions but I'm one of those write it down now before I forget kinda' people. :lol:
Its better to be safe than sorry.

Back to reading
Get a quiet comfy reading spot and a glass of nice white wine and enjoy.
So I have started on some of the reading you gave me and I already have questions. :lol:

I was reading from the update and I was confused if maybe you gave me the wrong link as I have the 2.09 version. I also use Nortons identity safe so I never lose my passwords after doing the CCleaner clean up.

My questions about that link is under the cleaner tab; applications I see the following:


Just to be clear, when I select Run Cleaner RegEdit, MSPaint, Windows Media Player etc. what exactly am I deleting? For RegEdit am I deleting things from the registry? For Windows media player would I be deleting my music? From MS Paint would I be deleting my files etc. you get the drift of my question, I want to know what I'm deleting. :blink:

I know I may be jumping the gun as you have given me more to read that I am sure probably will tell me the answers to the questions, I thought I better ask now in case I don't get to all that reading prior to my next clean. B)

Under the Windows tab when I see the following:


what am I deleting there? Major concern, recent documents (will that delete my recently viewed documents from my start menu?) and run in start menu, what will that delete? What are other explorer MRU's, Chkdsk File fragments, windows log files and index .dat files? I mean what could I lose when I delete those and what are they?

Sorry for the over load in questions but I'm one of those write it down now before I forget kinda' people. :lol:

Thanks a bunch


Back to reading

Hi chrissy,

We are going to have fun together because you are almost as "green" a "newbie" as I was. I didn't even know what the Start Menu was.

I had all the same questions and more.

No apologies needed.

Ask all the questions you like. That is why we are here.

Nobody has bitten you yet. Have they ? Don't worry that comes later. :P

Use your link to the Guide and if you want you can print off a copy from this link. It is in the list.

If you see version numbers mentioned in my Posts I will definitely update them (let me know).

You will find that some people mention versions and in most cases the data will still apply to newer versions as well..

Some pages have dates ages old but the data is up to date.

Your Recent Documents links will be removed not the data. These "links" are pointers to the actual files. I turn that option on and off as I need. It will not remove The Recent Documents feature from your Start Menu.

"RUN" in the Start Menu is a special button to use. You can run any program,or command, or open files by using this feature on the Start Menu. A list of each thing is kept to save retyping. If you want it secret what programs and naughty things and such, you leave that option on in CCleaner so the list will be cleaned. If you want to keep the list, turn that option off.

When they talk about passwords and such they are referring to the data that some websites keep on your PC to identify you when you come back to those websites. Some of this data is kept in Autocomplete Form History or in certain "cookies" or Adobe/Macromedia Flash player. Most users keep this data not cleaned so that they don't have to re-enter it all the time. Some users clean it all.

I am one of those rare guys who empties his own Recycle Bin. I turn that option off. I want to double-check what I put in there and then I delete it. NOBODY touches my clock or my Recycle Bin. :angry: or my coffee cup.

Refer to the CCleaner Guide to answer most of your questions. Most users use the options as installed. They are called Default options.

One at time you can "Analyze" to see the list of what will be removed by CCleaner. Mostly it is list of most recently used (MRU) files and names and such so nobody knows your secret habits :lol: Some settings are cleared but only for those things that the majority of users want reset. If in doubt turn the option off. Our "junk" may be your "treasures". See the links in the others posts I gave you . There is advice there also

Get your "cookies to keep " started yet ?

I also suggest that you set the option Options > Advanced > Save settings to INI file. Explain later.

Don't you dare touch those Advanced options yet. :angry: Your PC might "BLOW UP" and then we can't talk. :P (Of course it won't blow up or any such thing. It may do things that are undesirable and unexpected for most PC users. See here under "Cleaning information" as to what they will do. These options are rarely needed but provided for Advanced users.They do not make your PC run better.)

CCleaner Beginner's Bookmark and save to Favorites

Good luck,

:) davey

okay Davey, it has taken me some time and I have not even finished yet but I have a couple of questions since my readings....not that I am done yet. LOL I went out and bought a HUGE vista book to try to learn everything and I have not even opened it yet. :wacko:

1. App cleaning cleans temp files and recent file lists, does that mean it will delete my library from windows media player?

2. What are logging files? Is it just as simple as it sounds, files that log your activity in some directory on your computer?

3. ERUNT this is not compatible with my system so I am guessing not necessary.

okay Davey, it has taken me some time and I have not even finished yet but I have a couple of questions since my readings....not that I am done yet. LOL I went out and bought a HUGE vista book to try to learn everything and I have not even opened it yet. :wacko:

1. App cleaning cleans temp files and recent file lists, does that mean it will delete my library from windows media player?

2. What are logging files? Is it just as simple as it sounds, files that log your activity in some directory on your computer?

3. ERUNT this is not compatible with my system so I am guessing not necessary.

Hey Chrissy, it is certainly good to hear from you ! :P

Readings , huh? Good for you. And you also got a VISTA for DUMMIES book(I may need that myself.)

You will find that using them when you have a specific task to achieve, is the best way to use them.

Although a first pass is always necessary just to get the basics down.

You also don't have to be in a "rush". A little at a time is always best.

Q 1. No, I don't believe it will delete any type of Media libraries. Only recent things as you said. I do recommend that you wait for more input from other Media users as they will also have some good advice. I am not the "media" fanatic yet.

Q 2. Log files are text files that are created to report the results of certain programs and processes.

They are hardly ever used. You will be told by someone to save them if necessary when trying to find a problem. Otherwise they can be deleted by CCleaner each time that you use it.

Q 3. Some users still use ERUNT even though they are using Vista. Vista System Restore is more reliable than it is in WinXP System Restore. At your level of experience you probably don't need ERUNT. Maybe later.

With Vista you must be very careful using any 3rd party software at startup. Any problems and the first thing Vista does is delete System Restore points. This is not desirable.

I am the kind of user that believes the fewer things automatically started the better. "The less chance for conflicts, the less "problems" you will have".

Some users want everything done automatically. They tend to have more "problems". These problems tend to be harder to resolve also.

You don't need "cookies to keep" except for your very favorites. Macromedia/Adobe "flash cookies" are becoming more and more popular. You may want to untick that option for now until you learn a little more also.

Good luck and come back, Whenever!

:) davey