When certain programs are run, they create folders in the Windows Registry. In particular, certain IM programs create "profiles" for users with registry values. These profile folders can be manually deleted with no ill effect; the program simply makes a new one the next time its used.
It would be useful if CCleaner could exorcise these folders when it's run, but I can't figure out how to Add the location under Include in Options, as the Registry seems to be off limits to the Browse button. Is this possible? Thanks.
I never knew it was possible for a folder to be created in the registry
Neither did I. But there it was: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Yahoo/Profiles/(my sign-in ID). Big as life, all right. You can delete the folder, but the next time you sign into Yahoo IM, it creates it again. No big deal, but what if you're on a public computer somewhere? Maybe their log-in name isn't a big deal with most people, but it shows that you have been on that machine. Those of us with several (possibly secret? ...sorry, I can't talk about that) IM accounts might not want those identities known.
No big deal, but what if you're on a public computer somewhere? Maybe their log-in name isn't a big deal with most people, but it shows that you have been on that machine.
Perhaps an alternative to Yahoo and all the stuff it leaves behind. Maybe try portable IM programs there's Miranda IM Portable and Pidgin Portable on PortableApps.com, I've never tried either of them before and can't vouch for them. They're supposed to leave nothing behind, and you could run them directly from a USB Thumb Drive.
Neither did I. But there it was: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Yahoo/Profiles/(my sign-in ID). Big as life, all right. You can delete the folder, but the next time you sign into Yahoo IM, it creates it again. No big deal, but what if you're on a public computer somewhere? Maybe their log-in name isn't a big deal with most people, but it shows that you have been on that machine. Those of us with several (possibly secret? ...sorry, I can't talk about that) IM accounts might not want those identities known.
Well I have been flushing out registry keys related to my Yahoo Messenger ID, particularly on the profiles thing. I am aware they are recreated when you log in again anyway but I do feel that your idea has a certain point.
However, I use another registry cleaner called "Wise Registry Cleaner" for this, but that is a more powerful registry cleaner and its not designed for inexperienced users, although it has never really given me problems that I know of when it comes to this. Those keys related to my Yahoo Messenger profile are categorized as "empty keys" though.
Perhaps an alternative to Yahoo and all the stuff it leaves behind. Maybe try portable IM programs there's Miranda IM Portable and Pidgin Portable on PortableApps.com, I've never tried either of them before and can't vouch for them. They're supposed to leave nothing behind, and you could run them directly from a USB Thumb Drive.
Just to follow up on this, Miranda is Portable without the Portable apps version (that just adds unneeded stuff)
Miranda can be placed on a memory stick and run and has no %Appdata% or registry usage.