Cleaning Past Icons?

Saw this article on a little program that cleans what it calls "Past Icons" from the registry. The first thing I thought when reading this was, "I wonder if CCleaner does this?"

CCleaner has had that ability from the very first versions. ;)

It's listed in Cleaner->Advanced->Tray Notifications Cache

The only thing though you have to manually end Explorer.exe for them to be cleaned, then manually restart Explorer.exe (all done via CTRL+ALT+DEL).

The really easy way of getting rid of them is what I've always used which is a script by Doug Knox and Kelly Theriot available at, it's: 53. Remove Past Items From Notification Area. This script automatically ends, then restarts Explorer.exe - of course I've found out that you actually need to restart Windows afterwards in order to configure the icons display settings.
