I love CCleaner, except I'm having trouble cleaning my whole HD.
It seems to be cleaning my C: partition but not the other two partitions I have.
I've looked through the Tools, Options, Registry for something that would help.
I've done a cursory search through these forums.
Any thoughts on how I can direct CCleaner to clean up my whole drive? Even if I have to manually do each partition, I don't mind.
CCleaner is configured to clean the System drive only, the default location for Program Installations, and all the temporary files, cookies, and other general rubbish associated with the System Drive.
If you have locations on your other partitions that you need to "clean", all I can suggest is using "Options > Include > Add Folders or Files", and browse to and select the relevant Folders/Files to be cleaned.
If you do, remember to check "Custom Files And Folders" in the advanced section.
Hope this helps, and welcome to the forum.
Thanks DennisD!
That does help me . . . but it also creates another question ![:)]()
When choosing folders to "clean", I am prompted by a warning box that says "ALL files in this folder will be deleted" ![:o]()
That seems a bit drastic!
When I run CCleaner on my C: drive it certainly doesn't delete ALL files, just what it has identified as "junk".
I certainly don't want to erase every file in the folders I specify, otherwise I could just dump them into the recycle bin, defrag my disc, yada yada yada.
The whole think that got me thinking about this is when I ran AusDefragmenter and it identified an X number of junk files on my F: drive.
I figured CCleaner, if prompted to analyze my F: drive, may have taken care of them.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Sadly, anything not on your system drive will have to be setup manually to be cleaned.
I dunno if an ini file could be written to do what you want as I don't write 'em.
Short of that option, you would have to "Include Folders" that you want cleaning completely, and to solve the problem you point out, you would have to use the "Include File" option to clean individual files from within a folder, and leave the files you want to keep intact.
All possible to do with care, and although it might take you some time, once you have it all setup, that's it.
Check the box in "Options > Advanced, Save All Settings to INI file" for future use, and get yourself a stiff drink. As long as you're old enough of course. ![:)]()
Hope this helps, as I'm not aware of an easier way to do it, although if there is, I'm sure someone will post it for you.
Good luck.