Cleaning more than 1 hd ?

:rolleyes: Hello to all people on this forum,

I use CCleaner for a long time now and i like to ask here :

Can CCleaner clean al the Hard Drives in my system ?

I have one HD split into C en D drive and i got a E drive (200 GB)

CCleaner cleans things as defined in the winapp.ini (and winapp2.ini) files. Most of these "things" are probably located on your main (C:) drive, but if not, CCleaner will clean them up wherever they have been defined. If your Temp files (pointed to by the %TEMP% environment variable) are on the D: drive, then CCleaner will find it.

If you mean another disk drive with a different (multiboot) OS on it; no - CCleaner will only clean up the currently running OS.