I currently have Windows 10 v1909 build 18363.900. For a long time and many builds when I include Internet Explorer History to be cleaned, I have gotten:
Warning Event ID 3036 in the Event Viewer. (Crawl could not be completed on content source <iehistory://{S-1-5-21-811697208-3521500205-3758811873-1001}/>. Context: Application, System Index Catalog Details: An internal error occurred in the Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (HRESULT: 0x80072ee4) (0x80072ee4)
I tried to modify Indexing Options and remove Internet explorer History from indexing. That did not work because Windows 10 kept putting it back.
I tried to remove IE11 through Control Panel>Programs and Features>Turn Windows features on or off. That just got me two more Warning Events and an Error Event:
Error Event ID 1019 (Windows Search Service failed to process the list of included and excluded locations with the error <30, 0x80040d07, "iehistory://{S-1-5-21-811697208-3521500205- 3758811873-1001}/">. )
Warning Event ID 3023 (The update cannot be started because all of the content sources were excluded by site path rules, or removed from the index configuration. Context: Windows Application, System Index Catalog Details:(HRESULT: 0x1) (0x00000001)
Warning Event ID 3037 (Crawl could not be started on content source <iehistory://{S-1-5-21-811697208-3521500205-3758811873-1001}/>.Context: Windows Application, System Index Catalog Details: The specified address was excluded from the index. The site path rules may have to be modified to include this address. (HRESULT : 0x80040d07) (0x80040d07)
I finally just unchecked Internet Explorer 11 History again and gave up. I never use IE11 anyway. I use Chrome. It’s been going on so long it may have been happening with my Windows 7 computer before a bought this Windows 10 computer in January, 2020. I don't remember for sure.
Are these Events known issues?