I have tried several suggestions and still unable to uninstall adobe reader 7.0. I am ready to purchase another cleaner. this one is not doing to the job. I get error message 1714 and then I'm told this patch is not found.something work but the video I purchsed came with the required 7.0 to operate some features.
I have tried several suggestions and still unable to uninstall adobe reader 7.0. I am ready to purchase another cleaner. this one is not doing to the job. I get error message 1714 and then I'm told this patch is not found.something work but the video I purchsed came with the required 7.0 to operate some features.
Hi bdt, and welcome to the forum.
Email address should be removed.
I am ready to purchase another cleaner. this one is not doing to the job.
CCleaner is Freeware, if you paid for it please contact a Moderator by private message.
Adobe reader has pages of people in google asking for help with uninstalling it, it is not really any program's fault such as CCleaner that it cannot be installed. It is Adobe at fault here.
Try Windows Installer clean up, read instructions. Helps a lot of people with this problem.
I'm going to switch to Foxit Reader, thats if I can get Adobe uninstalled.
I wouldn't be too surprised if some of those uninstall issues are the direct result of improper registry cleaning with aggressive registry cleaners.
If you have uninstall issues and if you still have the Adobe setup available a repair or over-install would fix the uninstaller - old versions can be downloaded at: