Since installing and running cleaner I have encountered a conflict with Outlook 2003 and Activesync 4.2.
Now I can longer add appointments to the calendar. If I try, Outlook tells me I have enouvtered a problem and now needs to shut down. If I add appointments on my PDA they will then NOT sync up to Outlook - it just ignores them.
I have removed & reinstalled outlook, activesyns, and now cleaner and still I have the same issue. I am using Office suite... and it's a corporate computer so I need to maintain and utilize Outlook 2003.
I have seen questions about .REG files, etc. but could not find more information. As this is a Dell unit with pre-installed programs from Dell, microsft says this is not their issue. Dell says, you guessed it - call microsoft. Company IS says they cannot fix issue - Help!
Outlook is rather insecure and lots of worms and viruses are written for it. Much of the worms and viruses that propagate on the Internet do so by exploits and vulnerabilities in Outlook.
You should consider Mozilla Thunderbird a free and more secure e-mail client. It is the companion to the popular Mozilla Firefox webbrowser.
Thanks for the feedback.... Yes, I have done a system restore and yet no improvement.. And I do have the office box UNCHECKED when doing a cleaning??? Still no success. I cannot add appointments to my claendar nor sync calendar with my PDA...
No other events prior to installing and running cleaner. And you are correct, I must maintain Outlook on this computer...