Hi all,
I am new to this board, but have been using CCleaner for quiet some time now and I love it.
I know CCleaner can clean your PC when it starts up, but CCleaner doesn't clean your PC when shutting down.
So that's why I wrote this little .bat file you can run each time you want to shutdown your pc.
Why this option:
- Just think about the following scenario: You are a laptop user and your laptop is being stolen (!!), the person that stole it can bypass your Windows login screen and access all your saved passwords, cookies, ... ! This way you can stop that from happening (make sure your CCleaner has been set up to clean those information off your PC though )
Written for:
- Microsoft Windows Vista
(1) Clean
(2) Clean and reboot
(3) Clean and shutdown
(4) Clean and sleep
(5) Reboot
(6) Shutdown
(7) Sleep
(8) Exit
Please note that it's your own responsibility to use this. And note that the CCleaner is installed in "C:\Progra~1\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" (or just edit the .bat yourself). This .bat has not been written to hurt anyone, or to hurt any PC. Open the .bat in notepad if you want to see if it's safe (optional).
Want to make it Windows XP compatible?
- Change the shutdown parameters '/' to '-', but I haven't done this because I can't test it and don't want to upload an untested script. Feel free to add a Windows XP compatible .bat file.
.BAT code:
@echo offclsgoto menu:menu@echo.@echo Make your choice:@echo.@echo (1) Clean@echo (2) Clean and reboot@echo (3) Clean and shutdown@echo (4) Clean and sleep@echo (5) Reboot@echo (6) Shutdown@echo (7) Sleep@echo (8) Exit@echo.choice /c:12345678 >NULif errorlevel 8 goto abortif errorlevel 7 goto sleepif errorlevel 6 goto shutdownif errorlevel 5 goto rebootif errorlevel 4 goto clean_sleepif errorlevel 3 goto clean_shutdownif errorlevel 2 goto clean_rebootif errorlevel 1 goto cleangoto exit:clean@echo Cleaning..start /WAIT C:\Progra~1\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe /AUTOgoto abort:clean_sleep@echo Cleaning..start /WAIT C:\Progra~1\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe /AUTO@echo Going to sleep..start shutdown /hgoto abort:sleep@echo Going to sleep..start shutdown /hgoto abort:clean_reboot@echo Cleaning..start /WAIT C:\Progra~1\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe /AUTO@echo Rebooting..start shutdown /r /f /t 0goto exit:reboot@echo Rebooting..start shutdown /r /f /t 0goto exit:clean_shutdown@echo Cleaning..start /WAIT C:\Progra~1\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe /AUTO@echo Shutting down..start shutdown /s /f /t 0goto exit:shutdown@echo Shutting down..start shutdown /s /f /t 0goto exit:exitpause >NUL:abortexit