Clean up Program Files

I would like to see a feature, a cleaner inside the program that checks in program files each folder/program to check if it is installed, cause i have many left overs but i am afraid to delete them.

if the ccleaner detects the directory isn't used, it will erase it :)

what do you think ?

That ccleaner should not go any where near Program files,

Program Files can be accessed freely only under the old good XP - Vista/7 won't allow that.

I would like to see a feature, a cleaner inside the program that checks in program files each folder/program to check if it is installed, cause i have many left overs but i am afraid to delete them.

if the ccleaner detects the directory isn't used, it will erase it :)

what do you think ?

Sounds good, but the problem is that some folders are empty that serve a purpose.

I create empty folders to use when dumping files into a different folder, or testing things out, etc. If CCleaner deleted those, I would have to recreate them. Additionally, the startup folder in the start menu is sometimes an "empty" folder, as is the My Documents, My Pictures, etc. I cannot begin to describe the mayhem CCleaner would cause if it started deleting folders because they are "empty".

Sounds like a good idea, but because of what I stated above, I have to thumbs down this idea.

...but you wouldn't create a 'test' folder in Program Files. :)

Yeah, it might just cause problems if it deletes all empty folders but this is what could be done :-

Add another module. 'Cleaner', 'Registry', 'Empty Folders'.

When scanned for Empty Folders, it will list down all empty folders and you can delete whatever you want manually... given that its not something you'll run as regularly as the cleaner because you don't just keep getting empty folders every time!

...but you wouldn't create a 'test' folder in Program Files. :)

Yeah, it might just cause problems if it deletes all empty folders but this is what could be done :-

Add another module. 'Cleaner', 'Registry', 'Empty Folders'.

When scanned for Empty Folders, it will list down all empty folders and you can delete whatever you want manually... given that its not something you'll run as regularly as the cleaner because you don't just keep getting empty folders every time!

Good idea, but...people will think "I must delete everything" without even looking.

Without writing a whole paragraph about how bad of an ideal it is I'll just state - it's a bad ideal.;)

The only empty folders in program files should be uninstalled items any way, It's for installation, not data.

I'm against the idea too. Was just giving a suggestion anyway.