I recently found my 250 GB HDD to be about 90% full. I did some cleanup (uninstall unneeded programs, run CCleaner, etc...) and got it down to about 85% full. I decided to run defrag which eventually choked on a single 145GB file with a .tmp extension. I did some digging and found out that cipher, when used with the /w parameter to wipe unused space on your HDD creates a folder on the drive/folder specified when running the cipher command named EFSTMPWP and creates a file in that folder named "filXXX.tmp (XXX = some arbitrary number) and writes to that file to use up your available free space (it creates other files as well but this is always the largest.) and then deletes the file and folder when it finishes running. However, if the process is interrupted before completion, this rather large file might not get deleted. This was the case for me. I was able to safely delete the \EFSTMPWP folder and all of its contents and am now back down to about 77% free space on that drive. I'm not sure how many others out there run cipher regularly but it might not hurt to add detection for these files to CCleaner. Of course, there is more information available if you run a web search for "EFSTMPWP" as well as an informitive PDF file at http://www.cs.harvard.edu/~malan/publications/pet06.pdf on the Harvard University website. (Scroll down to section 2.1)