Clean install

I need some advice again. still having freezing problems. so I,m gonna start from scratch. Do I need to uninstall everything in My install control panel ? or will a clean install automaticly blank out the hardrive. I have all of My AVg,s & anti spyware stuff burnt to cd,s so hopefully nothing can sneak in when I have to reupdate windows. Am I making any sense ? Thanks for any advise. Cowboy. P.S at the time of freezes the ONLY thing that shows in the error logs are windows security issues . reading. An Authentication package has been loaded by the local security authority. I assume it,s WGA related. Has Anyone else had this problem ? Thanks again.

If you're using the Windows XP restore CD or retail install CD you don't have to uninstall anything as the installation of Windows XP will either quick format or full format your hard disk, thus removing everything and allowing you to start out fresh.

Grab yourself a 12-pack of your favourite soda to keep your installing stamina up as it's gonna take some time.

Have you run a windows repair, before going to a complete install

Taken from Hazel's link in the software section if IE 7 has been installed.


Before you perform a repair installation of Microsoft Windows XP, you must uninstall Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 from the Windows XP-based computer. If you perform a repair installation of Windows XP when Internet Explorer 7 is still installed, Internet Explorer will not work after the repair is completed.

To resolve this issue, uninstall Internet Explorer 7 from the computer, and then install Internet Explorer 6. After Windows XP is repaired, you can reinstall Internet Explorer 7.

Once again ThankYou Andavari & All others for Your advice. & no I cant do a repair install , cuz it keeps freezing in the middle of trying. Now I cant even run the windows live onecare that some has suggested. Because the site is blocked From My Windows security, Yea figure that one out. The only thing that shows up in My error logs are to do with auto notification to do with WGA, I know I said that was My original problem when I had a pirated version ( by no fault of mine ) But it will not leave Me alone. At least this time I can have, Antivirus & antispyware protection before I even try to update there C##p again. Thanks To Res45, that helped me burn the cd,s, . So hopefully this will do it. I just wanted to make sure a clean install meant exactly that. Cuz I,m sick of this & sick of WGA, & if it happens again I,ll go back to using snail mail for My family contacts & use this for target practice, I,m sorry but I,m really frustated But once again thanks for everyone on this site that has been patient with my stupid questions. Sincerely Cowboy. P.S if Microsoft spent some of theyre billions & get expertise like is on this board, THEN maybe they could come up with a product as good as Ccleaner, Thanks MRG & all involved

Once again ThankYou Andavari & All others for Your advice. & no I cant do a repair install , cuz it keeps freezing in the middle of trying.
Does your machine just develope this problem, the freezing? Does your machine lock up hard? If you do a clean install how do you know that the freezing will not return? As a precaution, I'd run a MEMTEST, your ram may have presented a problem.

Yeah run Memtest86+ and maybe Microsoft Windows Memory Diagnostic as well before you format! I'd also recommend running HD Tune to check the S.M.A.R.T. status of your hard disks. All mentioned software is freeware!

The reason why is because random or constant lockups can easily be memory related, or some other hardware issues. If it's hardware related ("memory, hard disk, graphics card) it won't go away if you reinstall Windows.

Yeah run Memtest86+ and maybe Microsoft Windows Memory Diagnostic as well before you format! I'd also recommend running HD Tune to check the S.M.A.R.T. status of your hard disks. All mentioned software is freeware!

The reason why is because random or constant lockups can easily be memory related, or some other hardware issues. If it's hardware related ("memory, hard disk, graphics card) it won't go away if you reinstall Windows.

Couldn't have said it any better myself. That's what I was trying to say...:) Just too damn tired to do anything yesterday.

OK ALL, thanks for your replys, just wanted to update you. But first off as I said in several posts before , I,ve ran every possible test, including memory, hardrives & everything else I can think of.

At first I thought AVG was causing it because it conficted with My ISP, allthough it did help some when I changed to AVAST , the freezing continued. I have allways thought it was WGA connected somehow, And Am now convinced it was.

As I said the only thing that showed in My error logs at the exact time of freezes was windows security related, I beleive it was calling home.

I completely shutoff windows auto updates. Then went to tools, then internet options, then advanced, scrolled down to security & unchecked ( enable windows authentication ) & have not had a freeze in 3 days.

Just thought I,d let You know, That I wasn,t crazy & it is now fixed without having to do a clean install. Thanks again. Cowboy.

P.s I also found the enter button so I dont run all My sentences together, LOL

You may even want to remove the WGA check.

The link below is the author of such a removal tool but MS made him remove it from his site but it is available from other sites.

WGA removal thread at Wilders

WGA removal tool