My suggestion for CCleaner (which is great) is that the program be able to clean the file histories for ExamDiff. After comparing files, ExamDiff leaves drop-down histories of the locations of the files.
With CCleaner, I'd also like to be able to clear the "Choose a place to save your backup" drop-down list for Windows XP Backup Utility.
Thanks. Would the free version of ExamDiff Pro (ExamDiff) have similar entries (maybe without the "Pro")?
Very likely, but have a look yourself:
Open Regedit, and drill down to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PrestoSoft key
Check whether the subkey directly below is called "ExamDiff" without the 'Pro', and whether you have identical Recent Left Files and Recent Right Files subkeys there
If so, all you need to do is indeed remove the 'Pro' Part:
RegKey1=HKCU\Software\PrestoSoft\ExamDiff\Recent Left Files
RegKey2=HKCU\Software\PrestoSoft\ExamDiff\Recent Right Files
Keep us posted on what you find. That way we can ask TwistedMetal to add support for that version as well.
Open Regedit, and drill down to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PrestoSoft key
Check whether the subkey directly below is called "ExamDiff" without the 'Pro', and whether you have identical Recent Left Files and Recent Right Files subkeys there
If so, all you need to do is indeed remove the 'Pro' Part:
RegKey1=HKCU\Software\PrestoSoft\ExamDiff\Recent Left Files
RegKey2=HKCU\Software\PrestoSoft\ExamDiff\Recent Right Files
Keep us posted on what you find. That way we can ask TwistedMetal to add support for that version as well.
Yes! "Recent Left Files" and "Recent Right Files" were there.
In that case, close CCleaner should you have it open, then download Winapp2.ini if you haven't already, and place the file in the Program Files\CCLeaner folder.
Open the inifile in Notepad and add the following:
RegKey1=HKCU\Software\PrestoSoft\ExamDiff\Recent Left Files
RegKey2=HKCU\Software\PrestoSoft\ExamDiff\Recent Right Files
Save in 'File', then launch CCleaner. You ought to see ExamDiff listed in Applications > Utilities.