I found out that Google Earth dumps it's internet cache in this directory:
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\GoogleEarth\*.*
These files are safe to delete because when you use Google Earth those files are re-downloaded.
I've been using it a lot and I found out that it dumped almost 500MB on my PC!!!
It would be awesome if you guys added this cleaner feature to the Google Earth option.
I'm using Windows XP and Google Earth 4.3.7204.0836 (beta)
I also wanted to ask if you guys could make your products check for updates once a day instead of once a month. It's kind of frustrating to not get the latest updates right when they're released.
but that only cleans Google Earth's search history, not the cache.
The winapp.ini file you gave me (thanks for the link) only cleans the "dbcache" files, not the entire cache. (see the code bellow)
What I did was to add the folder to the "Include" option on the "Options" panel. This works great for me, but...
I would like if the CCleaner programers added this feature to the "Google Earth" (in the Applications tab), so everyone can clean their Google Earth's history + cache.