clamp error

i think, these clamp looks very funny ;) in the field status in front of 50%

Someone else reported that already, how this looks strange: (

I'm lost, in translation. "Clamp"?

I'm lost, in translation. "Clamp"?

Me, too, but I wasn't going to admit it. :P What does that mean, trium?

:) trium, we don't comprehend your post. There is no clamp (Klemme) pictured. G4zRN.jpg

In the status panel I see the typical drive and loading icons abreast the analyzing percentage.

Are you concerned for the smudge on the leading parenthesis? Verweisen Sie auf das unvollkommene Bracket?

Addendum: That imperfection is not showing on my Vista. XNQ3m.jpg

Someone else reported that already, how this looks strange: (

That would be me.

Glad to see its not only me. Looks like an XP only problem? Thought it might have been a bad install or something.

I see the "funny" ( on my WinXP desktop, but not on my Win7 x64 laptop. :blink:

clamp is from google... <_< for (klammer)

yes @ kroozer, i mean these. :) i have xp pro

@ nergal

I've also learned that word in my school-english

in German is called that thing "Klammer" for clamp (as in the image of "kroozer" shown), i dont know, how many other or better words you are similar used. english isnt my native language... :)

. . . i dont know, how many other or better words you are similar used.

( = parenthesis / paren / bracket . . .

Deutsch . . . . . . Runde Klammer :)

thank you :) yes, I mean the round bracket...