chrome still remembers my login ?


A newbie to CCleaner so I am hoping my question is not too dumb to ask.

I downloaded the latest version of CCleaner and ran it against Chrome to clean up the following:

Internet Cache, Internet History, Cookies, Download History, Last Download Location and Session.

However, when I re-launched Chrome and accessed yahoo, Chrome immediately took me to my prior yahoo account without asking me to put in the ID and Password. I thought CCleaner should clean up this info and thus was expecting to re-type my ID and Password. Do I have to select "Saved Form Information" AND "Saved passwords" to get this info "cleaned up"?

Please advise. Thank you

Are you I logged into your google account in chrome?

oops .... without noticing that, I actually WAS logged in at my google account (don't remember when I did that).

From reading other posts, I guess google uses cloud to learn/know how to access my yahoo account ??

But even if this is the case, I thought CCleaner could in the process of the clean-up also erase the "memory" (a bad choice of word perhaps) of chrome/google ?? If CCleaner's default setting could not erase the "memory", could I set up CCleaner to get a completely clean Chrome? Any advice?

The advice is to turn of Google's sync. That information is stored on Google's computers so ccleaner can't clear it