In another forum, someone is claiming that version 3.19 offered to install Google Chrome during installation. I'm skeptical of that claim - I know that more recent versions do not include that offer, I don't remember it ever doing so. I've been using the free version of CCleaner since long before 3.19 and I I've never had Chrome on this computer. I always download CCleaner directly from the Piriform site.
Is there any possibility that this guy could be right?
v3.19 is 8 months old, but it's true with v3.19 and the latest v3.27. CCleaner offers Chrome, unless you install the Slim or use the Portable version.
You've probably used Slim or you have paid version which autoupdates itself.
Hmmm... I use the free version, downloaded from . I periodically download the latest version directly from Piriform and install it over my existing one, and I don't recall seeing the Chrome offer. I have the latest (3.27) installed now, but I just downloaded it again and installed it over itself, and I don't get any Crome offer. Is it possible that only the installation files that come from Filehippo and carry the offer?
Installer or Slim? Are you sure you don't have Chrome installed already?
Regular installer, not Slim. I usually download it from the /download page, not /builds, but I just tried the full installer from your link now. I didn't get any Chrome or toolbar offer.
Maybe you won't get the offer if you've declined it in the past? Maybe if I were to uninstall my current version and install it from scratch I'd see it?
If you decline the offer from any of piriforms products, it does not ask again.
You can find a registry key that confirms this
You're right, although the "no ask" period appears to be about 6 months, not forever. Thanks for pointing this out. In case anyone wonders, the registry key in 32-bit Windows is:
Interesting: It actually used to be in a Piriform key. That change would imply to me that rejecting the chrome offer will now reject it across all applications: Ie. if you installed (for example) Java and it offered Chrome, and you rejected it, CCleaner would not offer it having seen you rejected it in the past.
Also of note: You can change the key to be an impossibly long date if you wish, say 999 years or whatever. Effectively forever.
Interesting: It actually used to be in a Piriform key. That change would imply to me that rejecting the chrome offer will now reject it across all applications: Ie. if you installed (for example) Java and it offered Chrome, and you rejected it, CCleaner would not offer it having seen you rejected it in the past.
Also of note: You can change the key to be an impossibly long date if you wish, say 999 years or whatever. Effectively forever.
The key holds a list of values representing applications along with trigger dates, after which you'll get asked again to install Chrome. Other ones I see there include Irfanview and Avast. I tested it by changing the date for "Piriform Ltd" to a past date, and then re-installing CCleaner. This time I got asked about Chrome.
So, one mystery solved, I guess. The only other thing I wonder about is the claim (by the same guy I mentioned in my first post) that CCleaner's offer to install Chrome could not be declined, that Chrome got installed no matter what you did. That was not my experience, but maybe there was a defective installer in the past. I did find one other similar report after doing a Google search, so maybe there's a grain of truth to the story, even if there's more to it than just that.
. . . The only other thing I wonder about is the claim (by the same guy I mentioned in my first post) that CCleaner's offer to install Chrome could not be declined, that Chrome got installed no matter what you did. . . .
Hi rednoise.
Fwiw, I've installed a bunch of different versions of CCleaner, old and new, upgraded and downgraded, with and without regediting, and have never had google stuff installed without consent.
I think when that happens the person got the installer from some unofficial site. Just my opinion.