Chrome multi-window sessions lost even if Session cleaning disabled

Tested with CCleaner v4.19.4867 on Win 7 64-bit: if "Session" is unticked for Google Chrome cleaning settings, and CCleaner is allowed to close Chrome during cleaning, all session windows will be lost apart from one. I imagine Piriform only tested Chrome session restore with a single window.

This issue doesn't occur if Chrome is exited manually (Tools > Exit) before running CCleaner (but it's not reasonable to expect users to remember to do that each time). Disabling the "Internet History" item for Chrome does *not* avoid the problem. Firefox and IE are unaffected - the former restores all windows fine, the latter isn't forced to close during cleaning.

Please could this issue be resolved - it affects any CCleaner user that keeps more than one Chrome window open. Thanks!

Related bug report:

Sounds like it's not ccleaner doing this as ccleaner can't even clean chrome without exiting chrome.

Only way I can even see this as a ccleaner-based bug is if you've told ccleaner to exit chrome (via a pop-up in ccleaner before it's able to run its chrome-cleaning routine) and that by doing this (ccleaner essentially crashes chrome to make it close, it kills all chrome tasks) chromes multi-session gets corrupted.

On a side note it is unnecessary, and slightly bothersome, for you to post a reply in similar-sounding old-dead threads. Please in the future don't do that. Thanks