Chrome and cache

Why doesn't Ccleaner erase the cache and localdata from chrome?

I had so much data today inside the chrome map, and the data was from 2009.

It's, thumbnails, visitedlinks, webdata, and cache and media cache.

And it doesn't seem like Chrome delete this when uninstalled either.

I hope someone can look at "C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\local settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\".

Maybe i`m just paranoid, but if it's more data that is saved it should be removed.

I'm wondering the same thing here, my media cache folder is 204mb. Is it not safe to delete?

Google chrome is cleaned by ccleaner

is your chrome installed in the default location?




(localappdata is a different location depending on whether you use XP or Vista/7)

The folder is here for me:

C:\Users\Forcen\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Media Cache

My chrome exe is located here:


Im using Win7

So Ccleaner is supposed to clean this media cache folder?

EDIT: My mediacache folder is pretty empty now, maybe it was ccleaner, not sure.

i've installed the newest ccleaner r3.00.1303, it can clear the default Google Chrome profile but NOT the custom one.

the directory structure similar to the default one except that the prfile name is not "Default". In my box it looks like C:\Documents and Settings\---win-user---\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\---profile-name---\Default\Cache

is there any tweaks to do this?

