Chrome and admin rights

It's the sort of situation malware tries to achieve really

I don't like Google.

More of a Bing guy, Corona? Or perhaps AltaVista !

Bing's okay. I use Starting Page and DuckDuckGo more often now, though.

The only thing I like of Googles' is Google Earth.

StartingPage uses Google though :o It just doesn't track your information AFAIK.

Bing's okay. I use Starting Page and DuckDuckGo more often now, though.

The only thing I like of Googles' is Google Earth.

I was happy with Google Earth until the day that it insisted I needed an update.

It would not allow me to interfere with the installation and I got Google Chrome dumped on me as well.

Macrium reflect paid for its licence fee by giving me back a chrome free life,

and then I un-installed Google Earth which had chosen to be a dead weight burden and hazard to the integrity of my system.

Your mileage may differ ! !

I never had that happen to me. I install newer versions via filehippo. With all apps (besides AV, etc.) I always crawl into the options/preferences and turn off any auto update option.

StartingPage uses Google though :o It just doesn't track your information AFAIK.

I like StartingPage a whole lot. Note that when adding it into browsers to use the HTTPS for even more security.

It's the sort of situation malware tries to achieve really

I just installed it twice, with Powershadow and Sandboxie running. Glad they were running, its a very intrusive installation, created 603 files in 112 folders in the sandbox. You get the choice to "Run" or "Don't Run", nothing about saving the file for later, so I guess under normal circumstances if you click "Run" you're just stuck with it?

It seems to install a BHO. I don't know if that is really what it does, but see the pictures. In the past, SpywareGuard would always stop any BHO that got past everything else, but this time it didn't.

Does this "addon" supposedly give ie8 some capabilities that are normally only found in ie9? That seems to be what I read, and that it increases vulnerabilities (according to microsoft)?

With & without Chrome Frame: th_chromeframe6_addons1.jpg th_chromeframe11_addons2.jpg

And all without admin rights...scary