Chrome 32 (released yesterday) settings get completely erased when using CCleaner

So Google must have changed something in the way Chrome stores its settings/plugins, because now in the latest build (version 32) when I use CCleaner + winapp2.ini, Chrome resets itself to factory settings when you first launch it after the cleaning (it only happens once) and gives me an error message saying "Chrome could not retrieve preferences, etc" or something along those lines. It also deletes the plugins you had installed.

Chrome keeps working perfectly fine, but you have to set ALL of your settings/preference again.

What happens if you don't use Winnapp.2 ini?

Unable to reproduce this with Chrome Canary (v34) and everything in CCleaner + winapp2.ini checked except Saved Passwords

Windows 8 Pro x64


In all likelihood you just need to get the latest and greatest CCleaner. Google promoted Chrome 32 to stable status a couple of days ago on 1/14, and you probably got upgraded like most of us did. In my case, I didn't have the latest and greatest CCleaner and experienced your exact same symptoms. I downloaded the newest CCleaner, did some testing, no more issues. The issue apparently arose during Chrome 32 beta testing and a CCleaner update addressed it then:

Version History
v4.09.4471 (19 Dec 2013)
- Added Google Chrome v32 cleaning and startup management.

I'd like to amend my previous statement.

I don't lose all settings but extension settings are reset. It may be a winapp2.ini conflict, I'll investigate.

This might be related (it recently changed to stable build trouble with that post's description)


This must be the same issue also maybe

I can confirm this issue Under Windows 10, with CCleaner v5.31.6105 and Google Chrome Version 59.0.3071.115 (Official Build) (64-bit).