
Does CCleaner eliminate the need to run chkdsk X:/f? I have read that it cleans up any fragmented and useless files left behind. Thank you, you teach and I learn......Jack :P

CHKDSK will fix things like incorrectly reported free space and other file system errors. DEFRAG deals with fragmented files.

As far as I know, CHKDSK doesn't delete any files, ever, in fact it is more likely to create files out of data it finds under some circumstances (these files are one of the many that CCleaner removes!).

So basically, you still need a full complement of disk tools, CC only does one thing (OK, 2 if you use the reg cleaner).

Keep on using:

- Antivirus

- Antispyware

- Firewall

- Disk maintenance tools (CHKDSK etc, Norton, whatever)

Hope this clears the situation up a bit!

Thanks for the concise response. What are the items called that chkdsk X:/f puts into the log? It is not necessary for you to answer, because you have already told me the important things, and I appreciate it. :)

Thanks for the concise response. What are the items called that chkdsk X:/f puts into the log? It is not necessary for you to answer, because you have already told me the important things, and I appreciate it. :)

As far as I know, CHKDSK will recover file fragments and leave them in the root of your drive(s), if it finds any likely data, and there is probably a chkdsk.log text file somewhere that will have time/date info of when it was run, what it found etc. (but most people on this forum won't be able to give specifics about the contents of this log, since we run CC and therefore the log will be gone :) )

As far as I know, CHKDSK will recover file fragments and leave them in the root of your drive(s), if it finds any likely data, and there is probably a chkdsk.log text file somewhere that will have time/date info of when it was run, what it found etc. (but most people on this forum won't be able to give specifics about the contents of this log, since we run CC and therefore the log will be gone :) )

You make things easy to understand, thank you again. You should be a teacher; maybe you are! :)

You make things easy to understand, thank you again. You should be a teacher; maybe you are! :)

Damn, you got me :)