checksum value

Charles here, i downloaded, Recuva installer (rcsetup151.exe). Before i install it does it have a checksum value i can verify?

Thanks Charles FR

The whole "compare checksums for security" thing needs to die. If someone was able to swap the installer for malware, they also would have been able to change the checksum so it matches the new file.

But to answer your question; no, Piriform doesn't provide them. Some of the third party download sites do though, so it's worth checking there.

See here for MD5 checksum

Actually, MD5 checksums can be faked without too much trouble - something to do with collisions.

I think that SHA1 is much more difficult to fake and that IS provided and built into the Digital Signature,

so nothing that you need to view and compare.

I am using the 64 bit Portable version of Recuva and when I right click for its properties,

there are 6 TABS, which include Digital Signatures and this has a DETAILS button which gives a pop-up,

which under General Details states "The digital signature is O.K."

and under advanced says SHA1.

Some time ago I used a Hex Editor to tweak the executable of some application,

and then it no longer said "The digital signature is O.K."

( I cannot remember what it did say - some things are not worth remembering .)