This would be a major UI and engine change, but would be pretty handy.
When an analysis is run, have a checkbox next to each file found (defaulted to checked), so that you can exclude one or more files from deletion when you "Run Cleaner"
Along the same lines, could you deliniate the found files into the corresponding option selected? Many of them I can guess - like IE cache always has ...Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5..., but others are more difficult to ascertain. This is most helpful when you are new to ccleaner and are running the program for the first time. Check all options, run an analysis, then look at the found files. If you see a set of files that you want to keep all in one section, you know that you should uncheck that option group in the "settings".
P.S. sorry if this is a dupe request. I couldn't get any results when I searched for similar terms.