Check these skateborder morons out.

Watch these skateboarding fools attempt to remove themselves from the gene pool. Natural deselection at work here. Bad language warning.

hmm why can't we correct typos in thread titles?

I fixed it, I think only mods can.

I fixed it, I think only mods can.


See how fast I can go!

2008 Reader Submission

Pending Acceptance

This story happened when I was a teenager, but I'll never forget it. The town had just paved a very steep street in Marlboro, Ma. I had just purchased a moped, and my friend had a new skateboard. He asked me to use my mopeds speedometer to see how fast he could go downhill on his skateboard. When we reached about 25 mph, his skate board start wobbling back and forth violently. He looked at me with wide eyes, and we both knew he was about to wipe out.