It seems they want Oracle to give them the brand name. LibreOffice ("libre" means "free" in French - free as in free to do what you want, not free beer) is only a temporary name.
There seems to be a lot of confusion going on about this. If you read the comments near the bottom of this page the beta version of LibreOffice removed the stable build of OO for one person and yet not for another.
Does this mean that the OpenOffice on is no longer being developed, and that users of it have to switch to LibreOffice?
OpenOffice might continue to be developped. It all depends on Oracle. But I doubt they really want to support it - they'd have to rewrite most of it to make it competitive to MSO.
It seems they want Oracle to give them the brand name. LibreOffice ("libre" means "free" in French - free as in free to do what you want, not free beer) is only a temporary name.
Well the word "libre" also means "free" in Spanish. Even in our language, we use that word that way.
But anyway, I would be happy if they can improve this Libre Office. MS Office 2007 and 2010 are far ahead in terms of innovation. I use Open Office on my Linuxes but its buggier than MS Office and it doesn't have the ribbon interface that I love so much.
Installed LibreOffice on an old computer, yep it installed over the old version of openoffice that was there without offering an alternate install location (well it is a beta) back to old OOo desktop icon & its gui icons seem bigger than OOo norm.
lots of sponsors getting behind it & rumours oracle are heading towards a cloud office!
This video could have been made by Captain Obvious...nearly everything (except, of course, Randall C. Kennedy's quote at 1:24 - google his name and "Craig Barth" if you want more information) is true.
MSO has more features, is faster, and has a better GUI - but quality has a price.
I know this sounds like trolling, but...I can't see anything done better by OOo than by MSO.
Meh, I don't see the point of that video anyway. If you don't like a program, then don't use it. Especially considering that OpenOffice is completely free. If you want to shell out a few hundred bucks on MS Office, then do it.
Meh, I don't see the point of that video anyway. If you don't like a program, then don't use it. Especially considering that OpenOffice is completely free. If you want to shell out a few hundred bucks on MS Office, then do it.
This video is not for you and me, but for big companies thinking about a move to OOo.
Ok but I use open office and update it and its name is open office no change there. but the open office is not good as the ms office because ms office is more user friendly so I hope in its latest version it is as per ms office.
I think this was because OpenOffice was affecting their sales.
A very interesting (but true) video.
Those results were similar to the results that we came up with (4 years ago when I was working as a internal network consultant within the world wide Corporate Giant). Open office was mostly used by us NC's and employees on their home PC's where they mostly created basic word processing, spreadsheet & presentation documents.
I also found it was also excellent as a starting point (introduction/learning) for my son & daughter with their home/school PC's and much cheaper to. These days both my son & daughter are mid twenties and employed in the IT industry.
For me these days I am still using Office Pro 2003 on my business PC, but Open Office on my personal and testing PC. It will be interesting to see just what transpires with Oracle now in the box seat.