I left some folders in my recycling bin while contemplating dumping them for good, but forgot that they were in there after going in a paranoia state (yeesh) and ccleaned my computer.
and I'm guessing the cleaning the recycle bin option was ticked and so I lost those folders. I managed to recover some of them out of my dropbox (but lost my time stamps...)
But I was wondering if there's any chance I'll be able to recover them now? I don't remember how many overwrites I'd done, worrying that I even went for the gutman because of my then state, but I don't remember at all since this was a few weeks ago. I've been trying to use recuva but it keeps ending the scanning really early ( maybe cause the computer keeps going to sleep from how long the duration is?)
I really hope I can, and ideally be able to read the original time stamps as well since that's what I'm really after right now.
Things that come up right now only show files that were recovered from my dropbox with the timestamp of when It was retrieved and not it's original one. So what are the chance's I'd be able to get either of those things using recuva?
Would the chances be be better if I took them to an actual professional recovery service in my local area? could they even do anything now?