I've discovered that the best way to deal with Chrome's profligate ways is to use CCleaner to clean and then shutdown the system automatically at day's end. It's working beautifully, and with the right settings, once the routine settles in it doesn't take much time at all to complete.
I was thinking that it would be nice to be able to chain CC with Defraggler, and then allow Defraggler the shutdown rights. I think this could be done manually with a .bat file if CCleaner could be set to shut itself down after completion, so the .bat file could wait for CC to close and then pick up again and fire DF. But I'm not aware of that CC option.
So what I'm thinking about is some way to do this via the CC interface, either to merely shut itself down or to actually fire DF.
Separately, please consider providing a direct link to this helpful forum on the site's front page.
I was thinking that it would be nice to be able to chain CC with Defraggler, and then allow Defraggler the shutdown rights. I think this could be done manually with a .bat file if CCleaner could be set to shut itself down after completion, so the .bat file could wait for CC to close and then pick up again and fire DF. But I'm not aware of that CC option.
I shut-down with a BAT file that invokes
Another good way which uses Windows shutdown.exe command is
SHUTDOWN -s -t 5
I have no experience of Defraggler, but perhaps you could try
Alan, this is interesting. I thought that processes initiated by the batch were external to its own processing unless the start /wait switch was used, and even with that switch I thought the called process would have to end before the batch picked up again.
But I just tried a simple:
c:\systools\ccleaner\ccleaner.exe /auto
as a test and it seemed to work. I can't tell for sure until I allow Chrome to amass a larger cache, but CC seemed to invoke, work a minute, and then close, allowing metapad to open.
Ok, I just tested ccleaner /auto, and it indeed shuts itself down upon finishing. So that leg of the problem is solved. Now, the other leg, the batch keeping processing flow internal, is also solved, but I don't know why. But in any case, this should work, with Defraggler with its shutdown switch set.
Ok, the batch file definitely pauses and waits until each called process terminates. I've got ccleaner working well with the /auto switch, after which it self-terminates. Everything should be good, but the problem is df.exe doesn't do anything. I've got a bug report in over on the other subforum.
Ok, the batch file definitely pauses and waits until each called process terminates. I've got ccleaner working well with the /auto switch, after which it self-terminates. Everything should be good, but the problem is df.exe doesn't do anything. I've got a bug report in over on the other subforum.
It might be something simple like quotes on your batch file not working, try using a full path name