Does anyone know if it is possible to install CCleaner to a cd! That way it can be run without installing it on a PC!
Does anyone know if it is possible to install CCleaner to a cd! That way it can be run without installing it on a PC!
Yes, if you get the unofficial "Portable" version of CCleaner.
Yes, if you get the unofficial "Portable" version of CCleaner.
Thanks Eldmannen! I knew I had seen that somewhere and I couldn't find it by searching. I forgot it was called "Portable."
Here is the link Matt1492:
And welcome to the forum !
I have tried to add the portable version of CCleaner to cd but when I start it using portable.exe I cannot get it to scan other drives besides the cd.
and I get an error when closing, cannot write to alot of .ini:s
How do I do it correctly?
I do not want to use the autorun.inf since ccleaner is just one of several programs on the cd.
welcome to the forums Adder
I get an error when closing, cannot write to alot of .ini:s
you need to use a RW (re-writtable) cd so it can write to the CD i think.
it should scan C: but im not sure why it isnt since i havent used the portable version nor do i intend to.
(flash drives work the best)
Thanks for the help but...
I have 1.8 GB of other programs (I use the UBCD4Win) that work just fine from DVD. Some of them are copied to ram before starting and I always test on RW-CD:s or DVD:s and that is not the solution.
The problem is the program in it self I think. It insists on scanning the drive it is on, whether it is on the CD/DVD (x:) or from RAM (b:).