CD Drive disappears after running Registry option.

Hi, I am new to this Forum.

I have a laptop and desktop,

When I ran the registry cleaner option to analyse and fix the registry entries, my CD was no longer showing. It will accept a CD and spins up, but it cannot be found in the Explorer. Tried restoring - still not there.

Tried the same with my laptop, and the same thing happened. This time I restored the registry and Lo! the CD drive was now usable.

My question is, how do I get the CD drive on the desktop (DT) to be recognised again?

It does not show in the Devices now.

Restore didn't do it, Importing the last saved CC Reg backup didn't do it.

Is it possible to re-register the CD drive?

Short of doing a complete rebuild restore, are there any other options?

Regards, Ted

Point one. Don't clean the registry unless you know what the items listed there are for :)

Try using Windows Repair from (download buttons are just further down on that page)


If you wanted to you could just go to stage 4 (the fixes) and untick everything and then just tick the one that says 'repair cd/dvd not working' You will be asked to reboot afterwards.

Or you could use Microsoft fix -it

Thanks HN

I tried Fixit - no joy.

Will try tweaking and post results.

If it works, it will go on my site as a recommended item and I will bring it to the attention of the Alpha Software community.


Windows repair is widely used on many Malware Removal forums around the internet to help 'fix things' that malware may have mixed up.

Also sometimes can help with issues like yours. I've used it after someone has uninstalled Nero or Roxio and they've taken the cd/dvd drives with them as they were uninstalled :lol:

hopefully will come to your rescue.

if not, I've been using the following to fix it for me when I've come across this problem of vanishing CD/DVD drives;

(usual caveat when playing with the Registry of course)

Try the SFC /scannow command first from DOS mode.

If that doesn't work,
  • go into regedit
  • go to this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
  • and delete the entries for UpperLimits and LowerLimits
  • exit
  • reboot

mta that is what the MS fix-it does.

If you look at its link above, it also shows the manual method to do it which is the same as what you have just posted.

Let's hope one way or another Arcadash gets it sorted :)

sorry Hazel, didn't mean to double post the same solution as yours.

I knew by the KB number in your link that it pointed to the MS Fix-It solution and I've had people have some issues with those Fix-it not always working.

I forgot MS usually has the manual points listed as well.

I should have, of course, checked first - me bad :unsure: