ccsetup507_pro.exe will not install on Windows 8.1, Is it 64 bit compatible please ?
I have a similar problem with it on 8.1 free version. It starts and then hangs. with about 2millimetres of the green bar it stops. I close it with the TaskManager:(
one is an install issue, the other post installs but won't run.
different problems should have different threads so specific advice can be directed to the appropriate problem.
maybe a Mod can split this thread ?
but, first things first, did you both get your versions from the Piriform site?
have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling?
what about trying to install and/or run from Safe Mode?
what about the Slim or Portable builds?
Hallo this is MusiqueGraeme, really, just that I forgot my password and couldn't find out how to recover it. I have a suspicion, because I had my password remembered, but forgot for a moment, that once I got it wrong I got locked out....
Any way the Free version that wouldn't work came from the Piriform site. Never had to start in safe mode before... Is that normal?
I'll try uninstalling and reinstalling to see if that helps.
The uninstall program is stuck half way. This seems to be the problem with the install process perhaps???
This idea of changing the name of the program didn't help. The uninstall still gets stuck - it rushes to half way and stops.
Before you try to run the install have a look in the task manager and see if there is an instance of ccleaner already running.
Next try using the SLIM BUILD instead from here
Thanks, that worked. Will I have to use the slim build in future?
A lot of people use the slim build
It's the same as the full installer but without the bundled offer which some antivirus detect as a virus (it isn't) and won't let you install it.
I thought you had already tried the Slim build as per my Post #3.
Anyway, at least it's working for you now.